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Do you think Sophie Labelle MIGHT have had this site in mind when she posted thi
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From: Cobe , 97 months, post #1
It is a fact that some (I wouldn't say all) transwoman and transmen are not pleased with those who have a fascination or fetish with the idea of changing sex.

Sophie Labelle, the originator of the online comic strip "Assigned Male", posted this image some time ago. Do you suppose she might just have had this site in mind when she drew this?

Check it out

From: guest , 97 months, post #2
What do they have against people who like transformations? I didn't know this.

From: trifajar , 97 months, post #3
The word "metamorphose" kinda reffer to this site, IMHO.

Maybe, because we love it as a fetish but they feel it as a fight, a battle, a struggle.
We love it for fun, but they experience it as a conflict.

From: Cobe , 97 months, post #4
guest, post #2, wrote, "What do they have against people who like transformations?"

"I think that stuff marginalizes trans women and reduces us to sexual objects. It also completely confuses the issue of who and what we are (we're not a bunch of men who decided to "turn into" women who crave abuse from men). They don't do us a lot of favors. As such, I'm clearly not a fan. However, ... I don't mind when they reblog my posts. If they want to clutter their fetish blogs with a bunch of SFW posts of mine, I say let them... If people are looking at those blogs and see a trans woman going about her family, community, and career minded life, then maybe they'll fetishize us just a little bit less than they did before.


From: guest (guest1) , 97 months, post #5
quite frankly i don't a shit what she or anyone else thinks!! I wonder if she wants my opinion that she and other trans people are mentally ill? or that they are the furthest thing from being normal, or the norm!!

I also like movies about Aliens and war and yet don't want to take part or witness a war or alien invasion...

From: guest (guest1) , 97 months, post #6
Message deleted by cj. Be polite, courteous, and respectful. Please keep the conversations civil.
From: cj , 97 months, post #7
Why such fire? I've seen no hate spewed at us.

I understand the frustration of being incorrectly labeled by the ignorant masses. To those with small minds: If you're into TG (or trans), you're "gay"... if you're into AR, you're a peadophile... if you're into anthro, you're a sex-freak or into bestiality or other deviant. Most of the time, these assumptions are unrelated and untrue.

In the case of those who must fight to live, to be, who they truly are... well, I'm sure that our interests and desires being somewhat similar can create confusion among people who lack the understanding of the difference. This could certainly make their fight more difficult.

And don't forget, if you consider trans-people "mentally ill"... imagine what the world thinks of us.

Perhaps a bit more compassion and understanding needs to be put into the things that we say and do... even here.

From: cj , 97 months, post #8
I'll remind everyone to think before they commit their post. Review the Posting Guidelines, before you post.

If this thread continues down the path of baseless, tasteless, drivel or towards the hateful side. This thread will be locked.

Please keep the conversations civil, and the discussion on-topic. Thank you!

From: guest (guest1) , 97 months, post #9
you don't know what I like on this site but I assure you it isn't mutilating myself (mutilation is crazy!!), no interest in children or the same sex ...I don't care what anyone does, fuck whoever you want, dress however you want , do whatever you want except shoot your mouth off unprovoked and not expect a response. until they open their mouths and comment they were cool with me ...when this person made a point of demeaning anything I responded...for the record I usually go well out of my way not to offend the different beliefs on this site...feel free to erase whatever you want ...I understand it is probably offensive

From: Unknown Orange , 97 months, post #10
if you're honestly mad about what she had to say, maybe step back and consider how your fetishization of trans people affects them. because i assure you, you are much more harmful to them then they are to you.

From: guest (vup) , 97 months, post #11
What do they have against people who like transformations?

I'd be careful to avoid thinking one person's opinion constitutes a "they". Sophie's guilty of it too. Using her mind reading power on all the people (w/out their permission, mind you) who like stories or scenarios and can readily make a distinction between reality and fantasy doesn't really speak so much about what such people think about her as what she thinks about them.

I think someone enjoying a story or special effect or whatever probably isn't thinking about real-world trans people so if she had any complaint that could at least be true it would be that, although I think that's a little egocentric to think It's the other 7 billion people on the planet who are supposed to be doing everything in a context that relates to your life.

If I said "All women think this!" or "All men think this!" or "All purple people think the other!" would that be insulting. It probably should be. She's making the same sort of projection-like thinking that sadly too many people (a majority, it seems to me) seem to express. Whenever I hear or read someone claiming armchair crystal ball type of skills to know what tons and tons of other people are thinking, it tends to send up a red flag for me.

Also, I'd take issue w/ her use of the term fetischizing trans people but I'll shut up now

From: cj , 97 months, post #12
"... when this person made a point of demeaning anything..."

On their own blog... expressing their opinion (note that the statement started with, "I think" ). It doesn't sound as if they were demeaning anything.

It's not like they claimed with authority that their view was fact... nor was it done on a public board.

Just saying.

It's all in the perception. You seem to have perceived it as some type of attack, I did not. Misinterpretations are often the cause of conflict, and while I felt that your reaction was a bit passionate (and perhaps unfounded), I certainly understand it.

From: guest , 97 months, post #13
''I think that stuff marginalizes trans women and reduces us to sexual objects.''

My fantasies do not involve trans people in the slightest, I'm not attracted in any way shape or form to them, so that argument is invalid.
There's nothing that makes me cringe more than the Tumblr special snowflake crowd, just uggggh.

From: guest (Transtastic) , 97 months, post #14
First, I'm not sure this comic is at all a comment on Metamorphose or the transformation community. I know it kind of looks like it might be, but take a look at the URL:

...I think Labelle is making a joke about people who awkwardly refer to her transition as a "transformation".

Second point, I don't think Metamorphose is on the radar of most trans people.

Third point, there are trans people, myself included, who visit sites like Metamorphose as a way to cope with our gender dysphoria. My interest in transformation is not a fetish; it's more like vicarious wish fulfillment.

...which brings me to my main point. To the extent that there are trans people who are touchy about transformation fetishists, I think it has to do with the controversy around the concept of autogynephilia. Autogynephilia is a fetish based around imagining oneself as a woman. Autogynephilia clearly exists; there are a lot of people here who would probably qualify as autogynephiles.

The problem is that there's a small contingent of researchers who insist that there are only two reasons that transwomen transition. It's either because we're sex-crazed gay men who want to "trick" straight men into having sex with us and/or believe it would be easier to be trans than to be gay (because trans people live charmed lives, naturally), or it's because we're sex-crazed autogynephiles who take our fetish way too far. These researchers use deeply flawed borderline unethical methodology to support their beliefs, and they completely reject the concept of gender identity and call everyone who disagrees with them a self-deluded liar. And many people who hate trans people have, in turn, latched onto this research to discredit the idea of transsexualism.

While a small number of trans people are probably autogynephilic (among them Anne Lawrence, one of the leading proponents of autogynephilia), the vast majority of transwomen are not autogynephilic, and the vast majority of autogynephiles (as we see in this very thread) identify firmly as male and have no desire to transition. Transsexualism is about identity, not about fulfilling a fetish.

Most trans people hate being labeled as autogynephiles because it's inaccurate and it distorts, minimizes, and erases our identities, feelings, and experiences; and I think some trans people get prickly about sites like Metamorphose and Fictionmania because they worry that people who support the idea that all trans people are autogynephilic will point to these sites as proof.

I for one think denying that autogynephilia exists, when in fact it does, is futile, and resenting sites like Metamorphose and Fictionmania, which have nothing to do with the transsexualism-as-autogynephilia debate, is not fair to people who frequent this site and aren't doing any harm by indulging their fetish. I would much rather acknowledge that autogynephilia exists and point out the pretty vast differences between transsexualism and autogynephilia.

From: guest (barackobrahma) , 97 months, post #15
I think that we could see this question by another pov, in an analogy. There are people who have fetish based on black people (sorry, not a native speaker here, so I don't know a better word or expression)... but on the other side, we know that black people faces a lot of prejudice, and so on. No harm done there, when they fantasize about them. So, why should it harm here?

Damn, you. Could you be less perfect and precise in your comments? I felt ashamed an so little when I read you... although I agreed with everything you said.
As an example, heterosexual male with autogynephilia here. =]

From: guest , 97 months, post #16
"(we're not a bunch of men who decided to "turn into" women who crave abuse from men)"

Well I understand how that can be offensive for her, but I doubt a majority of this community "craves for abuse".

She probably saw Paradox Alice, or something by Mako and got the wrong idea that most people here is like that...

From: guest , 96 months, post #17
she is just a biggot, we are all different and have different desires, she just wants to bully someone. Well not me, I'm perfectly happy being curious and enjoying that curiosity without acting on it.

Each to their own I say, as long as they are not hurting anyone else.

From: cj , 96 months, post #18
"she is just a biggot"

Other than posts 5, 6, and 13, I've seen nothing even close to bigotry here... even the quoted and linked content didn't hint of bigotry.

What did I miss... Or are you just interpreting things more harshly than I?

From: guest (Air Gear) , 96 months, post #19

Make of this what you will.

From: cj , 96 months, post #20
Ah. Thank you Air Gear.

I didn't read any more than just the one panel and its neighbors.

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