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Mandela effect
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From: guest (Jason) , 100 months, post #41
Sorry for the typos. I'm on my phone usually when I post. Also "guest" the hadron collider does more than just smash sub atomic particles together. It literally can create and open black holes. From the alberino analysis: it has been suggested that by colliding heavier subatomic particles together such and lead ions. Which CERN is currently doing, space and time could be distorted creating what Einstein called a Rosen bridge or a stargate, which is basically a wormhole between two different locations, dimensions or periods of time. It has also been suggested that distortion a in the space-time continuum could lead to what has been called the Groundhog Day effect in which time falls back on itself allowing manipulation of the past

From: guest (Jason) , 100 months, post #42
I'm sorry but you can try all you want to brush this off as false memories but I know my memory isn't flawed nor is countless other who know beyond a shadow of a doubt that these things have been altered. To try and sit there and say what I specifically remember is inaccurate is ridiculous. I spend most of my childhood watching berenstein bears and reading the books. It may be just one letter but I know for a fact it was with an E and not A. If I wasn't sure I wouldn't be here posting otherwise. So I've already ruled out the false memory theory. A d I sure as hell know I'm not delusional or crazy and I don't do drugs. So unless you have and more valid explanation there really isn't any need to discuss this with you further

From: cj , 100 months, post #43
"I know my memory isn't flawed"

Unless your brain, and that of every other human who discounts the imperfection and fallibility of the human mind and memory, is able to PERFECTLY RECORD AND RECALL EVERY LITTLE DETAIL WITH 100% ACCURACY (for the entirety of your life), then your claim holds no merit. Even those with eidetic memory are not able to do so... though their recall is much more accurate than normal.

I can tell you with certainty... or more accurately, my friends can tell us both, that the way I remember certain events from the past are not entirely accurate with what they recall. So either they shifted between universes, I shifted between universes, or human memory itself isn't perfect.

While I certainly am not going to discount the Mandela Effect as a possibility... perhaps even plausible, having an open mind would suggest that you should also entertain the notion that the theory is incorrect... at least in its current form.

I'm betting the effect is closer kin to mass-hysteria, than to parallel universes -- it's the more plausible reason, IMO.

That said. The brightest minds of their time once thought that the Earth was flat, and that it was at the center of the universe. Thankfully, men (and women) with crazy ideas challenged the accepted, and figured out how to prove things out.

From: cj , 100 months, post #44
"I'm not delusional or crazy and I don't do drugs. So unless you have and more valid explanation there really isn't any need to discuss this with you further"

I don't think anyone was calling you delusional or crazy... just human.

And how much more valid of an explanation are you looking for on the imperfection of the human memory? Scientific papers? I'm sure someone will link those for you shortly.

From: cj , 100 months, post #45
Here's an article to start:

Then there are the results of a Google Scholarly Article Search for "accuracy of human memory" -- I couldn't tell you where to start in that pile though - I've not the time to delve into it.

Of course, you could also probably check out the references of this wikipedia page:

From: guest (Jason) , 100 months, post #46
As I stated before I'm not going to entertain the possibility of this just being a case of flawed memory. I know the human brain is not infallible. This is well beyond that. And I know for
A lot of people such as yourself, you want to just come up with the most rational explanation for it so you suggest the flawed memory theory. This phenomena just simply doesn't fall into that category. If it was more isolated and it only happened to 1 or 2 people sure. But the sheer number of people involved alone proves otherwise. And the fact that its something in popular culture that we have ALL been part if witnessing as well proves its not a case of false memory. As I stated the odds of that are beyond astronomical. Now the only thing left to do is try to understand what caused it and hope next time it happens that it isn't more severe. This is not something not be taken lightly. In fact it scares me how so many people just brush it off. Esspecially the ones who believe its true. I only posted this here because I figured it may be of interest to some people in this community. It's interesting to think of the possibilities I'm that aspect but scary to think of the other implications it could have.

From: guest (A Wet Blanket) , 100 months, post #47
Actually, the odds are very high that a bunch of people will misremember something in the same way if there's some specific, common factor that leads people to remember it in that way. Like a similar name that's spelled in a different way, or a commercial where a movie quote is different than in the movie itself, or pop culture depictions that distort how we think about a particular person or topic. I've given a number of examples of factors that would lead large numbers of people to misremember something in the same way.

And in many cases, people AREN'T misremembering things in the same way. Some people think there are 51 states in the United States, and others think there are 52. People remember New Zealand being in at least three completely different locations. People remember the Challenger exploding in 1983, 1984, and 1985. If the Mandela effect were a consequence of reality being altered, people's "false" memories would presumably match.

I don't understand why Jason is SO resistant to the idea that his memory is imperfect. He seems to think it's a laughable idea, but it's not. It's basic psychology. Anyone who's ever lost their keys or failed a pop quiz knows that memory is fallible. I understand not wanting to be wrong, but believers in the Mandela effect have gone to SUCH incredible lengths to prove they're right.

From: guest (Jason) , 100 months, post #48
Okay here's a fact for you. If all these people including myself misremembered berenstain being spelled different then there would be many variations of the name instead of just the one everybody remembers. Nobody came out and said oh "I remember it to be Bernstein or berensteine etc. this clearly implies that there are 2 seperate timelines/realities. by the way I never my memory of anyone else's memory is perfect an incapable is making mistakes as far as recollecting past events. I already stated my how I feel on the subject yet the both of you keep on insisting I believe and see it the way you do. That's not going to happen. I can assure you of that. So lets just agree to disagree and leave it at that

From: guest (anon) , 100 months, post #49
Guys, Jason's writing shows a LOT of signs of someone suffering from serious mental illness (my guess is schizophrenia. Definitely not someone to argue or debate with. Jason, I don't want this to be insulting, but you might want to talk to some of the people in your own life about this to see if they believe you may want to look into getting some help. I think you're a smart guy, but every person can't be right about everything they believe. It's not bad if you end up having to challenge some of your beliefs and ideas about the world, just growth.

From: guest (anon) , 100 months, post #50
Quick follow-up to my previous post. Again, I cannot diagnose any illness over the internet, so I strongly suggest bringing this up to loved ones in your real life to judge their opinions. Now, here is an example of a piece of writing by a schizophrenic. It is very reminiscent of Jason's writing.The author of the Craigslist post in this story was arrested a few months later for aggressively stalking multiple celebrities as a result of his mental illness.

From: guest (Jason) , 100 months, post #51
You're a funny guy anon. To Make such a statement towards someone online who you know nothing about. I think you might want to look up the definition of schizophrenia. I'm very much mentally stable in every regard. If I wasn't I wouldn't have the status I do with my friends, associates and clients I work for. Nor would I be making 90k+ a year. You're just another one of those people who have zero respect for other people's beliefs so you'll toss insults at them in an attempt to make yourself look high and mighty never realizing how bad you make yourself look in the process. Kind of like an atheist who argues with a person of faith. Eh. Maybe one day you'll mature out of that

From: guest (Jason) , 100 months, post #52
Hey cj, The post anon made is clearly an attack on me and abuse toward other users. Wouldn't you say?

From: cj , 100 months, post #53
anon's not saying you have (or suffer from) a mental illness, he is simply stating that his perception of your posts are similar to those that would be posted by someone who does (in his opinion / experience anyhow).

We also are always concerned about the health of those in this community when we feel that it may be warranted. Of course, we aren't (well most of us aren't) mental-health professionals... nor could we diagnosis correctly with the limited information and contact we have here.

That said... I'm NOT in agreement that your posts indicated any mental issues. You may be focused on this particular effect to the extent that you aren't willing to keep an open-mind -- but that's my perception of your view on this particular item... and it certainly does not make you any more or any less normal.

From: guest (Jason) , 100 months, post #54
I of all people have been keeping an open mind. Some other people here simply don't want to am aknoledge other possibilities such as parallel worlds or time lines simply because its too fantastical or complicated for their intellect. Go look up up how Einstein was ostracized and labeled crazy when he came up with the theory of relativity. Not saying I'm a genius or better than anyone but my comprehension and understanding of things is much higher than the average person. And as you clearly stated, nobody here is qualified to determine my sanity. Nor have I given any reason to cause anyone to question it. The real problem here is a lack of respect by some people for other people's beliefs and opinions. Someone doesn't agree with what another person has to say and when they realize that person isn't just going to give in and change their mind or beliefs they automatically attack that person. I'm sorry but people like that are the ones who have true mental illnesses

From: cj , 100 months, post #55
"... I'm sorry but people like that are the ones who have true mental illnesses"

I wouldn't go so far as to consider someone who is unwilling to being open-minded as having a mental illness. Such a thing is probably more rare than you think. But I get what you're trying to say.

Now... if we can move on from pondering the mental faculties of others, and back to the discussion of the Mandela Effect and it's relationship to the TF community...

From: guest (That Guy) , 100 months, post #56
Jason, it's just hard to take you seriously when in one post you say "As I stated before I'm not going to entertain the possibility of this just being a case of flawed memory." and then say "I of all people have been keeping an open mind."

Pick one and stick to it.

Personally, I would absolutely love to see evidence of some sort of multiverse and the transition from one to another other than the flawed memories that every human on the planet has.

Until then, I remain skeptically yours, That Guy.

From: JayGee , 100 months, post #57
I thought I remembered Billy Graham dying. Then I remember him dying again years later and thinking that I had thought he was already dead. According to Wikipedia, he's still alive. Or alive again? or......

From: guest (Jason) , 100 months, post #58
I didn't say not being open minded is a mental illness cj. I said not respecting someone else's opinions and or beliefs is. So much to the point that a person will try to discredit a other person for not conforming to their views, opinions etc.

But getting back to the Mandela effect I previously pointed out things in popular culture. Other things include geographic locations being completely different. Like the position of Australia which is no longer an isolated land mass in the Pacific Ocean. It's further to the north west. Also South America has shifted way into the Atlantic Ocean toward the east. There are other differences but those stand out most. Go look at a map of the earth and tell me it looks right to you.

Also I heard of the billy graham death also but I haven't researched it yet

From: guest (anon) , 100 months, post #59
The internet has allowed people who are part of small sub-cultures or who have ideas far from the margins of mainstream thought to connect. Before the internet, these people would have never heard of each other. When they go out and see that a small amount of other people had a similar idea, it suddenly feels like validation. People find that at least 1 other person agrees with them, or has the same very, very unique idea (like this Mandela effect notion), and take that as proof that it's real. How could two people think this same crazy thing?

This allows them to form an echo chamber, validating each other in isolated communities, and ignoring the outside world as people who just 'don't get it.'

It's powerful to be able to connect with like-minded people you wouldn't be able to meet otherwise. Look at this forum as an example of positive connection. But for those with mental illness it can act as a dangerous catalyst taking them further and further away from society. When mental illness acts in a way that separates someone from our naturally evolved social, group protection instincts, that's when they can become a danger to themselves and others and should seek help.

From: guest (Dolphin) , 100 months, post #60
It's funny how all these supposed instances of the "Mandela effect" involve celebrities with common names spelled unusually, and never the other way around.
Notice that nobody's swearing that they're from a reality where it's spelled "Broose Springstain". It's always "no, that was always spelled normally".

I actually remember picking up a Berenstain Bears book when I was 6 and arguing with a teacher about the spelling, that I specifically remembered it being "-stein". I argued that the book with "-stain" must have been a typo or a ripoff, like a Rolex/Folex situation.

Reasons why you think it was spelled Berenstein:
Everyone always pronounced it "Be-ren-STEEN"
It's very rare for someone's last name to end with "-stain" but highly popular to end with "-stein".
The last name was rarely found within the story texts.
The title is in cursive. You had a harder time reading it as a child, as well as spotting typos and irregular spellings.
You had also identified it as a Berenst#in Bears book from the general shape of the word and most of the letters* as well as the friggin' bears on the cover illustration.
You were also much more interested in reading the other half of the title ("...and the ____") and looking at the picture.

All of these are much more acceptable explanations than the idea that you switched universes into one that's exactly the same, except that a stupid children's book series is spelled differently. That would be the lamest dimension hop in the multiverse. It also may not be possible, due to the Butterfly Effect, that no bigger and more remarkable changes would be noticed.

You could have wound up in the reality where Michael Jackson was successful in purchasing Marvel in the early 90's and starred in his own self-produced Spider-Man movie. That's a thing-- it ALMOST happened in this timeline. That's the alternate universe *I* want to visit.

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