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Male / Female brains are the same
From: Lady Sekhmet , 102 months, post #1
Interesting research result came out yesterday

No such thing as a male or female brain

From: guest , 102 months, post #2
Nothing new, scientists have known for a long time that everyone is the same regardless of race, gender and in some cases species. It's only sociopaths that think their gender, race, caste is better then everyone else's and lie about. Their being biological evidence.

It doesn't help that medical doctors have supplied the lies for so long, when all scientists know most doctors are walking medical encyclopaedias and don't understand science much past a highschool level. Don't get me wrong I appreciate that they understand sickness and what chemicals are required to correct an ailing body, but they don't tend to research the workings of the body.

Anyway a good article, hopefully it will help end sexism around the world.

From: gallux , 102 months, post #3
Interesting! So that must mean that the 2 genders have the same "input/output" in regards of nerve connections. Let's say, is a male brain is put in a female body and vice versa, disconsidering any other limitations, they should function the same?

From: Lady Sekhmet , 102 months, post #4
In related news, scientists also determined that the brains of humans and equines also behave identically!

From: Lady Sekhmet , 102 months, post #5

I would imagine its a matter of programming. You can take identical computers and run one with Windows and the other with Linux - same infrastructure, totally different behavior. Men are of course Windows in this example. Windows is functional but ugly - Linux on the other hand is elegant yet highly complex :P

From: Lady Sekhmet , 102 months, post #6

Tag me as a sociopath then I guess, because I (along with the vast majority of the scientific community) will tell you that the human race is absolutely not composed some homogenous blob of identically capable people. Remember, at any given time half of the worlds population of 7 billion people have below average intelligence!

Seriously though, you can't say "everyone is the same regardless of race, gender and in some cases species". Like all life on earth there is variation that makes some better able to cope with a situation than others. For example, there are a variety of physiological advantages and disadvantages to having dark skin . This is a racial tag that has nothing to do with discrimination (or being a sociopath). Just an easy to demonstrate scientific fact.

I'll risk the pun and say that there is nothing "black and white" about describing the human race. There are more factors, both socio economic and physiological, than we can ever fully grasp. This latest report is proof of that. Detailed brain scans find no easily discernable difference between male and female brains, yet there are clearly very significant differences between the sexes - otherwise most of you wouldn't even be here :D

From: Holly Dunn , 102 months, post #7
Interesting, but the substance of the article didn't really match the headline. The human brain has 86-billion neurons that make 100 trillion connections. Even slight differences in sizes of certain centers of people's brains can have significant impacts on behavior.

This type of research seems to be more social, aimed at ending certain types of sex discrimination. But it can also be used for discrimination, to support the theory that being transgender or homosexual is a choice and therefore a wise society or religion has the right to guide you against that choice.

From: Lady Sekhmet , 102 months, post #8
There are definitely some problems with the study. Scans like this only report electrical activity whereas the brain is electro-chemical in nature. However there are also cases where such scans were highly revealing, such as when a brain researcher accidentally discovered his own brain scan indicated he fit the profile of a psychopath.

I think all we can really take away from this study is that we are far more alike than we are different. But vive la difference! :P

From: Holly Dunn , 102 months, post #9
People used to discriminate against women in the workplace because they weren't as smart as or couldn't reason like men. This article was clearly aimed at debunking that myth... but I believe that had pretty much been disproven years ago.

But the science of gender brain differences has not only led to a deeper understanding of male and female behavior, it has led to a scientific basis for gay and transgender rights. It provides a scientific basis why you can't just throw gay people in jail or why transgendered people aren't perverts for using the appropriate bathrooms while transitioning.

While that article didn't really explain how men's and women's brains aren't different... these resources explain better how they are. Again... this has nothing to do with intelligence. It just offers a scientific reason to why we are different. And yes to what I think the point of the OP was, embrace our differences!

Scientific American: Gay men's brains's resemble women's

Youtube video explaining how men's and women's brains physically differ

From: guest (Jayzie) , 97 months, post #10
The problem with humans is that they have trouble understanding the differences between the words "different" and "inferior."
They will always try to see differences as reasons to claim that one is better than the other, or how one is a weakness and the other is a strength, but it's not like that.

From: guest , 97 months, post #11
Everyone is the hero of their lives, do you think a bird a dog or a rat are too stupid not to think the universe revolves around them? If anything the more stupid a person is the more they feel special and self-important. I'm pretty sure it is where religions come from, it's not about being closer to God it's about making yourself more of the hero.

Really none of us are special and wander around like ants wishing we were more then nothing and better then animals and bugs and even other humans.

The brains are the same physically, but the mental health issues are different based on chemicals, upbringing and experience, so the average woman will have a whole host of different ticks and issues to the average man, just as the horse will be very different to a human after a few years.

But I think you would have difficulty proofing that a newborn baby of any gender or species is different. The closer too animals childhood lengths are the longer that identical nature is evident, that is why animals raise young from different species. A puppy will think it's a cat if raised by a cat, or think it's a person if raised by a person. That is until it's old enough to realise it is different and then it's brain has to adapt to reality.

Well that's my observed opinion anyway. Just go out and watch nature and think about what other animals are thinking. It's probably the same things you are thinking about.

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