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Do you ever think about quitting or giving it up?
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From: guest , 102 months, post #1
Do you ever think about quitting or giving up your fetish/interest/fascination/obsession with body swaps and transformations?

Do you ever think you spend too much time with these types of fantasies?

This isn't about judging or making anyone feel bad or guilty. I'm just curious.
I personally have been thinking about it a lot lately. I've come to a realization that I spend way too much thinking about these silly fantasies. Way too much time procrastinating and doing nothing in my opinion.

From: trifajar , 102 months, post #2
I have a dream, one day I have a robot that can transform into anyone.

From: cj , 102 months, post #3
quitting or giving it up? Not really... wishing it wasn't so invasive and such an obsession -- YES.

Spend too much time -- Yes.

If it becomes an obsession, or drives you from having a "normal" life... Seek some help. This should be an interest not a defining / driving force in your life.

As long as you can keep the interest in check, and avoid harming others or yourself, you should be okay. But a second opinion never hurts. :-)

From: guest , 102 months, post #4
Well it's more of an escape but I kinda think I may spend too much time on it.

No physical harm to me or myself.

I was told by a doctor a year ago that I might have a mild case of OCD so I can definitely see it as an obsession. I obsess a lot about things. When I get something in my head, it's hard to get it out.

I mainly just wanted to talk to others that my deal with it because you know you can't talk about this with so-called "normal" people.

Does this "interest" ever make you feel weird like you are a deviant of some sort since most people don't think or fantasize about this stuff?

From: cj , 102 months, post #5
"When I get something in my head, it's hard to get it out."

Oh yeah. I know that problem. Also: -- Note: Some might find the linked video disturbing or uncomfortable. Viewer discretion is advised.

LOL - I always wanted to say that.

"Does this "interest" ever make you feel weird like you are a deviant of some sort ..."

Yep. But then, if our thoughts are different from those of most "mainstream" or "normal" people... aren't we, by definition, actual deviants? ~shrug~

FWIW - I was told that I may have some issues like OCD. When the doctor and I discussed options to manage it, I suggested a brain-transplant. It took him a moment to get the humor.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 102 months, post #6
I have many times. But it's not like a physical part of you that you can just cut off. I think it must be some sort of flaw that manifests at a certain point for whatever reason. I really want to blame tv.
My earliest tg memory was probably because I was watching a show and it had aliens in it. (I don't remember much about it, but I remember the human-like aliens and the space ship). They switched bodies and I think either the man and woman switched bodies or I ended up thinking they did for some reason.

Long story short, it interested me. And yes, it does make me feel as if I'm a weirdo, which is why I don't tell people in real life. I never even told my best friend, the person I could trust most in the world. And I damn sure wouldn't tell anyone I've been with, sexually. But that's me.

From: guest , 102 months, post #7
But isn't the truth of the matter that all of this is because of curiosity?

I'm not trying to be nasty but isn't the curiosity mainly about the female orgasm? I mean if you're male, you have no idea what that's like. And if you're female, you have no idea what the male orgasm is like.

From: guest , 102 months, post #8
I wish I could give up. So far I've had no success.

From: guest (MasNerd) , 102 months, post #9
I wish i could, but it just really hard to quit from this fetish. I do believe that this kind of interest is good for some people. but for me, it isn't. Since i think this fetish is an addiction and for me addiction is never a good thing. So yes, I'm still trying to quit from this fetish
(No harmful word intended)

From: Repulso , 102 months, post #10
When I was much younger yes, I wanted to give it up but couldn't. Later I accepted it and even embraced and had fun with it.

As long as this fantasy doesn't interfere with my life, and it doesn't, I'm fine with it.

From: cj , 102 months, post #11
"... but isn't the curiosity mainly about the female orgasm?"

Well, I suppose for some, that could be true. It seems to me, however, that most of us here are less focused on the female orgasm as the main driving force that fuels our curiosity or desire.

For instance, my curiosities are fundamentally in experiencing the mechanical and social differences between forms; the ability to engage through any mental differences (different brain and body chemistries and "wiring" and foci); and for human gender change, clothing and how it feels and moves and to some extent either dictates or makes mindful certain considerations in movement and resting placement.

That's not to say that I'm not curious about sex as another form... it's simply not my focus or primary reason. Any sexual component is usually just an afterthought in my case.

From: guest (guest) , 102 months, post #12
question for cj - In addition to the curiosity of knowing what it is like to have a female brain and the social constructs that the gender affords- is there any arousal associated with the curiosity of getting to wear female clothing or perhaps the opportunity to wear things that would be more revealing such as leotards or bathing suits?

That is kinds of a turn on for me- the latter- and it occupies a lot of my thoughts.

From: cj , 102 months, post #13
"... is there any arousal associated with the curiosity of getting to wear female clothing or perhaps the opportunity to wear things that would be more revealing such as leotards or bathing suits?"

Sometimes. But not always in a sexual manner. Sometimes it's just exciting (arousing) on a level I don't understand, but that has no sexual component or compulsion or feel to it.

Call me old-fashioned, but showing as much skin as the younger generations do, is not for me. I think even a one-piece swimsuit (that I desire so much to experience) would be too revealing. While I want to know what it'd feel like to wear one, I'd rather keep the venue a bit more private. I'd rather most of my back and belly, legs above the knees, and sides covered most of the time.

That said, The clothing wouldn't necessarily have to be revealing, or could even be covered-up with a dress or cover (or wrap??? IDK. whatever they are called). I'd still feel (and know) what's on underneath... but only I, and whomever I chose to share with, would know. That might be an arousing thing too.

From: guest , 102 months, post #14
Isn't the brain and body chemistries and wiring open to interpretation? Doesn't it depend on what you believe spiritually/religiously? If you are a guy, does that mean your soul is male? We have no idea what a body swap would do to a person's sexuality, sanity, and emotions because body swaps have never been done. We have no examples so it's hard to judge what would happen.

CJ, you would really be prudish and modest in your female attire? What about the once-in-a lifetime experience? You're going to tell me if you were a gorgeous 20 year blonde, that you wouldn't want to dress sexy and show off your good female looks? You wouldn't wear a short skirt or dress with some tights and heels or boots? A bikini at the beach? Or even cosplay?
I would definitely cosplay. All you have to do is wear a leotard, pantyhose, and heels or boots and act like the character you're cosplaying as. You only live once.

From: cj , 102 months, post #15
"you would really be prudish and modest in your female attire?..."

In my mind, I would not be prudish, nor would I be overtly sexual. To some eyes, I would be a prude, to others, I would be a harlot. I feel that I would likely maintain the same level of modest as a woman that I do as a man -- while mostly modest and neutral, I'm not averse to shaking things up with loud colors and/or designs... nor am I above grooming and attire to showcase my assets and diminish my flaws... especially to attract a mate.

Dressing sexy doesn't always require wearing revealing clothing.

Short skirts... define "short". I say "sure", but my idea of short skirt isn't a skin-tight stretchy band of see-through material that only covers half my ass and shows my panties.

A bikini... or any tight swimsuit, in public... not without donning some type of cover or wrap until I'm close to the water.

As for cosplay - it's not something that interests me. But who knows what would happen if I crossed over.

Once familiarity has set in, and I'm more comfortable... who knows - but likely I'll still likely be called a prude by the younger crowd.

From: guest , 102 months, post #16
So CJ, does your interest put a hindrance on your experience with the ladies? Have you ever told a prospective girlfriend or friend with benefits about the fetish?

I think one problem people with this fetish including me is just we have a thirst of having our curiosity quenched. I guess fantasizing about it helps with the thirst maybe. But for me, it's just curiosity. I would just want a taste, nothing permanent. A day or probably a week tops would suffice.
If it was permanent, I would probably become a vlogger on youtube. Those girls make decent money. They put on makeup and dresses and skirts and heels and make videos about them and make money off them.

Covering up your bikini butt? Where is your sense of adventure? What if you had a nice female butt? You're just going to cover it up?

I don't think I would wear pants if I swapped. Maybe shorts but no pants.

From: cj , 102 months, post #17

Yes, however mine isn't so much fetish (at least not yet) as it is curiosity.

RE: nice butt -- Yep, covered... except for whomever I choose to allow a closer inspection.

I would probably only wear pants when practical or necessary... until the novelty wears off... then whatever is comfortable but appropriate with the option of dresses and skirts at my discretion.

From: guest , 102 months, post #18
So CJ, have you had your struggles with your curiosity with this?

I think my curiosity is a mix of obsession and fetish. I made this thread because I wanted to hear others perspectives on the issue.

Well even if your female butt is covered, men are still going to check it out if it looks good and if you're wearing something nice that shows it off.

From: cj , 102 months, post #19
Sure I have, but I'm not comfortable diving into the details anymore that I already have.

Just don't let your obsession run (or ruin) your life.

Men are going to be men, but I sure don't have to help them objectify me. :-)

From: Guest17 , 102 months, post #20
Thank you for the thoughtful replies, CJ. Your point of only letting a select few know what you are wearing as a form of arousal makes me want to get to know you better :-)

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