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From: Forestier , 102 months, post #141
My mistake. Good luck in your transition.

From: guest (Kathie) , 102 months, post #142
Forestier, I don't blame you for finding it hard to believe. I, myself, found it very hard to believe -- then again, I was never "much of a man." I was always a toothpick and, for as long as I can remember, women (mostly my mother's friends when they visited) would always say "I wish I had your hair" or "I wish I had your eyelashes" (my hair was very curly and thick and my eyelashes were long and thick). I have to assume that there was something in me that at least PARTIALLY predisposed my body to this.

But, before I started allowing myself to THINK of myself as a girl (rather than WISHING I could be), I was never perceived as one. Once I started allowing myself to think that way, it got harder and harder to hide and more and more commonly, I was perceived as one even when I was trying to hide it.

Funny thing is, now that it is many years later, I think I am LESS passable. I have put on weight (not excessive, but significant) and I don't try as hard. But I don't feel as much of a need to try anymore. I am what I am now.

From: Forestier , 102 months, post #143
From the opening post: "Back when I was a guy, I had no desire for any kind of sexual interaction with a man. Now, it�s just so strange to touch a man�s dick. On an intellectual level, I certainly remember having a cock. But as time goes on, it�s harder and harder for me to remember what it actually FELT like. Once I even strapped on a dildo. It was so disorienting. It looked halfway real, and when I grabbed it with my hand, the gesture felt so familiar. But of course there was no sensation from the appendage itself. Afterwards, I just threw it away. Deep down inside, I think it was an important milestone for me. That kind of thing really hits home. I�m a girl now..."

Strangely, I just found this very text there . NSFW .

From: Forestier , 102 months, post #144
From OP again: "Back when I was a guy, I had no desire for any kind of sexual interaction with a man. Now, it�s just so strange to touch a man�s dick. On an intellectual level, I certainly remember having a cock. But as time goes on, it�s harder and harder for me to remember what it actually FELT like. Once I even strapped on a dildo. It was so disorienting. It looked halfway real, and when I grabbed it with my hand, the gesture felt so familiar. But of course there was no sensation from the appendage itself. Afterwards, I just threw it away. Deep down inside, I think it was an important milestone for me. That kind of thing really hits home. I�m a girl now, and those sensations, those experiences are something I�ll never have. Still, when I get my man erect, with my hand or with my mouth, part of me is always trying to imagine what he feels, trying to imagine what it�s like to have a cock. I�m sure he enjoys my fascination with his equipment, but I wonder what he�d think if he knew what was going through my mind while I�m so busy getting him off." .

And again, I found this text there. NSFW. Can anyone explain that?

From: MissMako , 102 months, post #145
Well... seems a little dubious now doesn't it? I'll be 100% honest... I'm not going to share things like what was mentioned above when it comes to my personal life. It does read a bit more like a fantasy than real life (to me). I should know cause I've been doing TF TG Fantasy Fiction for decades now. And the reality is I am also a Transwoman now. I can separate the two.

- Miss Mako -

From: Forestier , 102 months, post #146
It can also be that someone used this testimony to write captions without effort.

From: guest (Hysteria) , 102 months, post #147
Called it.

From: Forestier , 102 months, post #148
I beg your pardon, Hysteria?

From: guest (Hysteria) , 102 months, post #149
I meant, I said back on my first post that it totally read like TG fiction.

I mean, "Still, when I get my man erect, with my hand or with my mouth, part of me is always trying to imagine what he feels, trying to imagine what it’s like to have a cock"? Come oooonnnnn. Too good to be true.

From: Forestier , 102 months, post #150
Wait a second. Aren't he captions I linked to more recent than this thread?

From: guest (Hysteria) , 102 months, post #151
Oh, they are? I misunderstood, then.

...Well, I still think it's probably made up, but I guess that doesn't prove it, I mean.

Since I'm here, regarding voice surgery, it's come a long way in the last few years. Here's an example video with a girl from the same dude I went to:

From: Forestier , 102 months, post #152
How can you say what comes from training and what comes from the surgery? Many transwomen get a very feminine voice w/o surgery.

From: guest (Kathie) , 102 months, post #153
As I may have said earlier, it's my impression that you get more of an effect from working on it than any of the surgeries I have seen. Then again BOTH may be just awesome. But those who try to JUST do surgery are, from what I have seen, mostly disappointed. Notice that in the text/comments for that video, she talks a lot about the work and voice training that she did.

From: guest (KJ) , 102 months, post #154

All I can say is I saved it from a conversation on Fictionmania over 12 years ago�.Maybe someone else did too and used it in photo captions

From: Forestier , 102 months, post #155
KJ: you finally remembered where it comes from?

From: guest (Pip) , 102 months, post #156
Phew read the first 4 pages and then jumped to the end....

Even when I was reading the OP I was thinking "the writer here is trying to hard!". My first clue was reference to 'peeing' position' (an obsession of many men when talking about gender differences) but there are plenty of other clues in the passage. Quite relieved when I read a bit further that I was not alone in my doubts

From: Forestier , 102 months, post #157
Pip wrote: "My first clue was reference to 'peeing' position' (an obsession of many men when talking about gender differences)"

Have a look at this video .

From: guest (Kathie) , 102 months, post #158
Whyzat? Don't think that a post-op would refer to peeing position?

Honestly don't know much about what "most" people do, because I don't associate much. Only twice have I even thought about "peeing position" -- both times when I had to go where there wasn't a restroom. Both times had to find a tree and back against it. Its one of the many things that I envy guys for --- believe it or not.

From: guest (Pip) , 102 months, post #159
I've just found that in personal accounts like this, its often a subject that is mentioned by people who are 'fantasising' about being post-op, rather than people who actually are - and I write as someone in the former group!!! The fact that you have 'only twice even thought about it' rather bears out what I thought.. I don't think it would be something that you would mention in a personal account

From: guest (Kathie) , 102 months, post #160
I guess that makes sense. It would not be something that I would specifically avoid, but you're right that I probably would not have thought to mention it either. I would be kind of like talking about breathing or chewing.

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