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Upcoming TG Movie - The Sex Trip
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From: guest (TheDetective) , 96 months, post #41
dcao -

If you check their Instagram account, it was last active 5 weeks ago, a sign that the project isn't "dead" yet.

From: Holly Dunn , 96 months, post #42
It will be interesting to see if this film... along with Sam... gets distributed. Hollywood operates on greed and fear. TG transformation still appears taboo.

A few years I attended a film festival. There were buyers from some cable networks that spoke at a seminar. They said that if you could produce just about anything with a $250,000 budget it was likely to get picked up and you can break even on your investment. They simply do not have enough content for all the channels.

The fact that completed movies like Sam and The Sex Trip aren't getting picked up by a cable channel is not a good trend to see. I was optimistic a few years ago with the Eva Adams pilot, but now I think we aren't as close to a content break through. Hopefully, I am wrong.

From: cj , 95 months, post #43
Latest News --

"So it looks like The Sex Trip movie has finally been picked up for distribution. When it will be available idk as the website states TBD...
... this is the distributor's site "

From: Holly Dunn , 95 months, post #44
All this means is this is a company that will be paid a commission to attempt to sell it to networks, cable channels like Lifetime and O, and other outlets like Netflix. Something they might hope for is for it to be "The Sex Trip: A Showtime Original," before being distributed to DVD.

Sam also has a distribution company.

Trust me, all of these networks are looking for affordable, original content. It is concerning that if these don't sell in the USA, it will hurt the likelihood of more of this being produced by the higher quality Hollywood types.

From: Bodyswap1 , 95 months, post #45
Can't wait to see how good this movie will be.

From: guest (Me) , 95 months, post #46
Listen if mako's Paradox Alice came out. This shouldn't be too much of a problem considering this is more acceptable mainstream then Paradox Alice.

From: cj , 95 months, post #47
That may not be entirely so. I'm sure that Mako's production was intended for a final destination of release to video somewhere along the way. But it seems that both Sam and The Sex Trip are attempting to get picked up for release at the theater and/or on television/cable first. I'm not sure that they intended to skip that if necessary, and go straight to video.

From: Holly Dunn , 95 months, post #48
Warning, Rant ahead:

Yes, cj is making my point. Paradox Alice was intended to be a straight to video release, whereas "The Sex Trip" and "Sam" are looking for network distribution first as in Lifetime Network, Showtime, or even a Netflix original before general sales to DVD. The DVD would sell more that way, as well.

The fact that with all these competing networks clamoring for affordable original content, the fact that these romantic comedies of self-acceptance are going nowhere should tell you something about what mainstream America thinks. (Or what Hollywood thinks mainstream America thinks.)

So what can you do? Voice your opinion, and buy it when it comes out. Sales in America may mean something eventually. But I fear that if these films don't get actual distribution with names like Brooks (Mel Brooks son,) Stacy Keach, Morgan Fairchild and Jade Ramsey (who was in the international teen/kids hit House of Anubis,) don't look to indie film makers wanting to produce anything like this for a few years.

Remember Joss Weedon was going to produce "Eva Adams" and even he couldn't get it to air, despite Lalola being an international hit.

Just saying. I know there is a stigma for TG stuff. But use your voice when you can. Things aren't going to change otherwise.

From: kreplach , 95 months, post #49
Let's be honest, though. Does anyone truly believe these are anything more than "B" movies at best? For things that aren't big budget studio releases or even something that could work as an independent release in art house theaters, the distribution companies that buy the rights are going to try to package them and sell as part of a catalog of multiple films. There was never a chance of these films getting their own individual release to a cable network, Netflix, or even straight to disc. I don't hear the names Holly mentioned and think "big money maker", I think maybe there's a small niche audience, which is the case. I really don't think it's only TG that's holding these films back. That's probably part of the business decisions that have these particular films languishing in limbo but it's not the whole story.

From: Air Gear , 95 months, post #50
I was about to say the same as the poster above. Neither of these films are exactly Sir Ian McKellen doing Richard III now, are they?

From: guest (Saint) , 95 months, post #51
What about Tomboy: A revengers tale?

Sigourney Weaver and Tony Shaloub are great actors.

Walter Hill directed The Warriors and one of the greatest episodes of Tales from the Crypt (cutting cards)

Michelle Rodriguez definitely walks a beautiful line between masculine and feminine.

That's probably the most high profile movie coming soon. I'm really looking forward to The Sex Trip.

From: Holly Dunn , 95 months, post #52
But the terror in Tomboy is a vastly different formula than the Romantic Comedy. Bad-ass male becomes bad-ass female with revenge on the mind for the horror of becoming female.

"The Sex Trip"--womanizer becomes woman and discovers love, is redeemed to be a better man.

"Sam"--flawed male protagonist womanizer becomes a woman, slowly learns the error of his ways, and learns that love is the answer, accepting his feelings while being a woman.

I think many women would love either of these on Lifetime or Showtime or something else. But I think Hollywood is still scared to allow it.

It's like gay production in the 1990's and earlier. Showtime went out on a limb showing gay stuff, which was a major risk before it was mainstream. With trans numbers much lower than gay, I think Hollywood is still scared of the backlash of a MtF transformation with love and self acceptance.

From: guest (rush) , 95 months, post #53
The idea of getting a sex-change through surgery isn't as appealing to me as Sam or the Sex Trip. In my opinion, if you get a sex change you didn't really change your sex you just mutilated it. So Tomboy sounds interesting but there are other things I'd rather see first.

From: guest , 95 months, post #54
"Mutilate" is a bit harsh. Lots of people have plastic surgery, it's not seen as mutilation, people should be free to look how they want. Also people can take hormones to replicate those from sex organs, so they are still technically the gender they want to be. People are far to hung up on what organ people are born with rather then the actual science.

But all I'd ask is that you don't use the word mutilate to describe delicate and highly skilled plastic surgery, thanks.

From: guest (rush) , 95 months, post #55
Everyone has an opinion which is why I used the precursor "in my opinion". You have your opinion. I have mine. But it is a fact that no plastic surgery can get rid of the Y chromosome which is, in my opinion, the definition of being male.

From: guest (Zhang Fei Fan) , 95 months, post #56
Well, considering that it is a sci-fi, I think the procedure involved MAY includes meddling with the chromosome and changing the sex at genetic level.

We can only guess....

From: Air Gear , 95 months, post #57
Who here remembers the 1997 classic Face/Off?

From: guest (TheSaint) , 95 months, post #58
Is that the movie where Nicholas Cage and John Travolta get mutilated? XD (jk)

From: guest (rush) , 95 months, post #59
I'll say this: If Tomboy does involve changing the chromosome then this would be the movie I am most interested in as it already has a plot that no one has done before. The story is fanciful as is so I hope the writers and directors just take it an extra step and go with this idea.

From: Air Gear , 95 months, post #60
I hope they got a science advisor as biological phenotypical women from birth can be XY if they have androgen insensitivity syndrome and they're no more likely to transition than the general population. In fact, a lot of people with ASH don't ever find out and those that do often only find out incidentally.

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