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New movie "Tomboy" [Now known as 2016's "(Re) Assignment"]
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From: guest , 87 months, post #181
Can rent it here:

From: Tuggy24g , 87 months, post #182
If you type re assignment Putlocker into Google you will find the whole movie. Shhhhhhh you did not hear it from me.

From: guest (Jason) , 86 months, post #183
You can rent it now on amazon video for 9.99

From: guest (hey) , 86 months, post #184
horrible, truly horrible...not worth $0.10 let alone $9.99

From: guest (JustMe) , 86 months, post #185
Worst evva....

From: guest (Gogo) , 86 months, post #186
What's so bad about this movie?

From: guest (KJ) , 86 months, post #187

From: guest (JustMe) , 86 months, post #188
The movie was an adaptation of the graphic novel Corps et âme. This movie is in every way not even coming close to the suspense of the novel. Sigourney Weaver as The Doctor is her worst role ever. This could have been a cult movie. They failed. Only Rodriguez is so so ok. As a woman is man's clothes she is close to hilarious :)

From: guest (guessed) , 82 months, post #189
It is free with Amazon Prime now (maybe for a while, but it was just offered up as a recommendation to me this week). . It is really as bad as everyone says. The dialog sounds like it was badly translated from French.

Spoilers (as if).

Click to show spoiler
Gur cebfgurgvp znxrhc Zvpuryyr Ebqevthrm jrnef gb cynl znyr vf fvzhygnarbhf nznmvat naq uvynevbhf. Fur vf n fznyy jbzna, yvxr 165 pragvzrgref gnyy naq znlor 55 xvybf VEY, naq arvgure gur znxr-hc abe gur cubgbtencul qb zhpu gb qvfthvfr gur snpg gung fur vf fb fyvtug. Gur cebfgurgvp purfg naq travgnyf jbhyq unir jbexrq, unq vg orra orggre fubg/phg. Nf vg jnf, gur fubjre fprar va juvpu jr frr gung Senax vf [o]ernyyl[/o] znyr fubjf gung Senax vf n tenpvyr zna jvgu qvfgvapgyl srzvavar pheirf

As noted by others, several very good actors turn in very strange and awkward performances. Of the well-known names in the cast, only Anthony Lapaglia manages to do anything that looks like professional motion picture acting. Among the less-well-known supporting cast, Caitlin Gerard turns in a workman-like performance. But her performance is mostly notable because she is running uphill against an avalanche of bad dialogue and plot problems.

The movie is also stylistically muddled. There are comic-book-art stills used as transitions that hint at a more successful, much more stylized movie. If it had been done as a comic book movie, with less exposition and more trust in the audience, it could have flown. I am thinking less about Sin City than I am about Mel Gibson's (awful remake of Point Bank ) Payback ; with its uncertain period and deliberate nods to noir conventions like internal monologues and pathologically chatty informants.

Click to show spoiler
Va gung jbeyq, "Gur Qbpgbe'f" nanpuebavfgvp onpxfgbel nf na hayvprafrq "phggre" qbvat frk punatr fhetrel bhgfvqr gur Fgnaqneqf bs Pner jbhyq znxr n yvggyr ovg bs frafr.

If you are reading this, you will almost certainly watch the movie when you have a chance. Just don't pay to see it.

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