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Keeping Sexual Orientation after Body Swap
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From: guest , 80 months, post #61
You do not get to keep your orientation after swap...

From: Holly Dunn , 80 months, post #62
Most research today asserts that gender brain differences including orientation and gender identity comes from area in the brain. It's theorized that the amount of testosterone vs. estrogen that the brain gets at key stages in development (the womb, infantile puberty, and regular puberty) affects this.

This scientific research is one reason why LGBT people are a protected class regarding discrimination and that being LGBTQ is not a moral or religious failing.

Dr. Luanne Brizandine has a couple of good books called "The Female Brain" and "The Male Brain" that talk about this and show the science behind the theories.

Most of my fiction assumes that the character gets a brain typical of their sex when they transform, but their "values" tell them they shouldn't behaving these feelings. That is the principle conflict.

A story is a story though, and there are some plausible scenarios where orientation may not switch, but I would assert that if your memories were put into a different brain you would have the orientation of that brain.

From: guest (Passing through) , 80 months, post #63
What Holly said. Certainly, there's a lot of social aspects but at the end of the day, gender identity and sexuality is something that I think most of us feel isn't really a choice. Absent a belief in a gendered soul, that pretty much points to brain structure being a major determinate.

What does that mean for stories? Eh, it's fiction, do what you like, particularly if it's fantasy. But if we were to postulate a SF "brain tape" transfer, the overwritten memories and personality will find itself dealing with not just hormones, but a completely different brain structure, one that will strongly influence sexuality, and probably identity

From: guest , 80 months, post #64
I don't know this community is so obsessed with keeping heteronormative orthodoxy.

From: guest (Also Interested) , 80 months, post #65
Every now and then this topic comes up. I wonder, would anyone think that their attraction to TG stuff was a conscious decision? For me, it was certainly interesting when I found it out myself and still think it's weird, but I've accepted it as a part of me. So, along this route, if you were to swap with someone else, we know there are some things physically you couldn't an allergy to something, or our new taste buds preferring one thing after another. Would a sexual preference be that much different? Our physical bodies will probably already respond to certain stimuli, though it'd be your mind that would decide how open or averse you'd be. I assume, like many of us, fought with our TG attractions, but eventually gave in to some degree. In a swap, I believe it'd be similarly hard to resist until eventually, either curiosity or openness, will allow ourselves to try it out.

From: guest , 80 months, post #66
Does anyone actually have any stories to contribute?

From: Mr. Ram , 80 months, post #67
post #64, Why do you say that?

From: guest (I am 64) , 80 months, post #68
It's obvious isn't it? People will come with all kind of excuse about why a person after being turned into another gender will change their sexual orientation instead of exploring the less explored route that is not conforming to the dominant heteronormative storytelling that is aplenty in media.

I am actually very tired of all this.

From: guest (Fed Up) , 80 months, post #69
Well then bye bye.

Authors write what is interesting to them. There are plenty of stories where someone changed into the opposite gender, keeps their sexual orientation. If you refuse to find them, well that is on you.

From: guest (Passing Through) , 80 months, post #70
I dunno. I see plenty of stories with MtF who remain sexually attracted to women. Sometimes it's presented with a moderate level of realism, more often it seems like typical straight male fetishization of lesbians.

I think a character having to deal with orientation change is dramatically interesting, more so than just dealing with the physical aspects of a change. "OMG, I have to sit to pee" gets old, dealing with seeing the world through a different lens affords more narrative possibilities

From: guest (I am post 64 and 68) , 80 months, post #71
yeah there are some stories but these are heavily outnumbered at least 5 to 1 by stories where the protagonists change their orientation as easy as changing clothes.

@Fed Up

I never say anything about writers of stories. I was discussing about participants of this thread who came up with all kind of excuses about why certain kind of story direction is preferable to another. By your own standard, they are the ones who actually infringe on the writers' freedom to write. Why don't you target them since they are the one questioning writers' decision & label judgement on certain story direction as more logical than other?

From: guest (MasterW) , 23 months, post #72
@Holly Dunn,
So if the persons who undergo bodyswap take after the orientation of their new body, then what happened to a person who is transformed (not bodyswapped) into opposite sex? Do you think they would keep their original sexual orientation? If not, why?

From: Holly Dunn , 23 months, post #73
@MasterW post #72
Science has shown that certain areas of the brain in gay and trans people can resemble the opposite gender. It is not exact, because not all gay people are trans, and some trans prefer their original sex partners. So i guess if someone is transformed, it depends on how much their brain changes during the transformation process. Scientists say that the brain structure changes at several life changes including the womb, infantile puberty, and puberty, based on how much testostorone is produced in the body. It is still not an exact science.

From: guest , 23 months, post #74
You can justify it either way most times.

For example, if the swap is done via magic, it is almost a certainty that souls and likely some kind of afterlife exists as well since those are nearly guaranteed to exist in a setting with magic. The existence of a soul would add a new factor that is supernatural to the mix thus giving the story leverage to ignore things like brain sexual preference.

If the swap is science fiction, I would point out that memories themselves are part of the brain. If you're swapping bodies into a new brain, you're literally altering the brains of the people involved. This is entirely up to the author if that includes sexual preferences.

If the story is a straight up brain and/or head transplant, well then you get into trans issues. Hormones affect trans people in so many ways that an author can pick and choose if and how preference is affected.

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