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Keeping Sexual Orientation after Body Swap
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From: guest , 106 months, post #1
What are some stories out there where a male and a female swap bodies but they keep the sexual orientation of their old body.

AKA heterosexual girl switches bodies with heterosexual boy, as a boy she is now homosexual and as a girl he is now lesbian?

From: guest , 106 months, post #2
It seems sexual orientation is in the genes, so if you swapped with heterosexual girl you would feel attracted to only would like women in a lesbian's body. Sounds scary...

From: cj , 106 months, post #3
"It seems sexual orientation is in the genes..."

Well, that would depend on science solidifying that as fact, no other discoveries branching out of it... and well, that the story remain based in real-world facts. :-)

I've been thinking about this since I noticed the question. I'm confident that I MUST have encountered such a story... but I'm at a complete loss to recall any.

The closest that I could think of was Julie O's "Fresh Start" (or perhaps the collaborative part 2). If IIRC, there was TG'd boy "falling" for a young woman - but the sex aspect wasn't explored (it just isn't that type of story). I can't remember how far the "romantic" part was explored, but I recall that it was at least hinted.

From: Random , 106 months, post #4
One I vaguely remember that I read on Fictionmania(but I can't remember the name or author) took place in Australia, and turned into a girl by magic(the girl was the target, and he was just an casualty of the situation) had him remain attracted to women(he tried to get together with his girlfriend, but she wasn't interested and he ended up with a girl who had been trying to help him).

Of normal books, the main character of the Dragon* books(Dragon Princess, Dragon Thief, and the upcoming Dragon Wizard) remains firmly interested in women(well, he is in the two books that are out. I'm assuming that would not change in the book that is not out).

From: guest , 106 months, post #5
Just make it a brain or head swap story, it's not in the genes it's in the brain shape, which is dependent on genes isn't going to change otherwise.

Yo be honest if we uploaded our mind into a different brain I doubt we would still be us, we would be something new.

Also a transformation doesn't have to effect the brain shape, just say so in the story, the transformation only changes the outward appearance and not the internal organs... Simple :)

From: guest , 106 months, post #6
You won't truly know until you experience a body swap.

From: guest (jd) , 106 months, post #7
As guest in post #5 mentioned, you probably won't be you after you "body swap". The bigger question is, what is you? If we take your entire nervous system and imprint it on another person, is that person you? What if as I am doing that, I copied the other persons neural system on to your body. Are you still in your body or are you in your neural map?

Since body swapping as we wish is impossible, I think it is silly to argue based on science how your sexual orientation will be effected. It is a fantasy, and in fantasies anything can happen.

That being said, probably a more realistic body swap would be mutual transformation of bodies, i.e. your body turns into someone elses and someone elses body turns into yours.

From: guest (Also Interested) , 106 months, post #8
What if it's similar to the Self/less movie, where your mind is in there at first (i.e. straight) but then after time the body's memories start to seep back in, maybe invade and replace your own mind after too long. So you start off straight in your body, go to another body and are straight mentally but homosexual physically, and slowly the body's previous history and hormones and everything start to come back and make you straight physically, homosexual mentally (until your previous mind loses its identity and you are completely the new body again, so you'd be straight once you view your physical and mental beings as the same).

From: guest (JD) , 106 months, post #9
Here is a mental experiment. Suppose I am an insane doctor with some crazy technology. I have you imprisoned, and I imprisoned another person, call him/her Sam, whoever you want it to be.

Now I come to you and say: "I am going to switch your mind with Sam, and after this process I am going to set one of you free with a million dollars and torture the other one for the rest of their lives. You get to pick, after I switch your minds who gets punished and who gets the reward?"

When the question is presented this way, people are tempted to say, I want Sam to be free, because my mind will be in her body, therefore I will get the reward, and I don't care what happens to my body, because Sams mind is in there.

Now let's imagine the initial scenario again. I come to you and say,"hey, I will wipe out your entire memory, you will forget everything, your parents, your family, your childhood, everything you ever knew or learned. Not only that, I am going to put somebody elses memories there. You will think that you were born as Sam, the only memories you will have will be hers. Don't worry though, I will do the same to her. And after this process I will set one of you free with a million dollars and torture the other one. You get to pick, which body is punished and which body is rewarded?"

Under these circumstances most people would think: "Jeez, this insane doctor is erasing my entire mind and on top of that fooling me to think I am someone else by putting in new memories. Yes he is putting my memories into Sams brain but I am not her, she will just think she was born as me, but her experiences will not be mine." Therefore they would pick their own body to be rewarded.

What I am trying to get at is, body switching as we fantasize about is just a fantasy and cannot be real. We don't even understand what consciousness is, or what makes my experience different than yours. So if we are talking about hypothetical impossibilities, you are allowed the fantasize as you wish - cause that is what body switching is afterall.

From: cj , 106 months, post #10
I thought of another one that is similar to your search parameters... though a TF and not a swap, so... ???

Norman O. Johnson's "Karen's Romance" (parts 1-5) - Norman's stories on FictionMania

From: guest (Lorinell) , 106 months, post #11
It depends mostly, how much orientantion is handled by genes, biology etc.
Seems, that socialization process have much to say in that matter.

And atraction can be on both levels - mind and body, or only one.
For example: man switched into woman body, can be aroused in male presence (hormones at work), but his male mind, every thougth about having sex with man will find awful.

From: Weirdoid , 106 months, post #12
I like people keeping their gender identity and sexual orientation post swap too. What is the point of swapping minds if the mind is soon not their own?

I especially like a girl swapped with a man dressing as a girl and attracted to guys, I wish I could find more of that. It is almost nonexistant on TG fiction sites.

What annoys me is people taking a fictional idea (a bodyswap) and saying "This is how a bodyswap MUST go". A nonphysical mind separate from a brain is fiction and people should be free to interpret that as they want without having to conform to the rules set by another, To make a rule saying a bodyswap being indistinguishable from a brain swap after body adjustment being the only to do it way sort of cheapens it.

From: guest , 106 months, post #13
Maybe the orientation would be easier to solve if it's a soul/essence swap. However, that might make it even more complicated. If you have a soul swap, then does that mean a soul has more power over a person's brain? For instance, if you're a doctor as a man but get swapped into a female lawyer's body, could you still be a doctor? I think the soul swap is less dangerous since brains wouldn't be removed from skulls.

From: Weirdoid , 106 months, post #14
Why would orientation have to change after a body swap? If you say sense of self and identity can exist separate from the brain what is to say a transferred version will not overwrite the brain itself? After all you have installed in new "software" programmed to be attracted a certain way.

Human brains are flexable, even within the limits of genetic structures. People in isolated scenarios (prison, hermits, etc.) have been known to become more flexible sexuality wise in the absence of women even though genes and brain structure regulate that. Multiple Personality Disorder exists where a brain can have more than one personality, etc.

In fiction movies are much much more likely to have people keep gender identity and sexuality post swap than in online TG fiction making it so even in fictional TG multiple options exist.

Basicly by saying a fictional event MUST have the brain overwrite the mind you are more revealing your own preferences bodyswap and sexuality wise than any set in stone rule. After all a mind seperate from a brain does not exist to swap, so inventing such a fictional entity means you can be free to use it as you see fit.

From: Forestier , 106 months, post #15
First, we have to define what is sexual orientation. As a heterosexual male, am I:
attracted by women?
If I TGed and kept my orientation, would I be
a heterosexual woman
attracted by women?

From: Holly Dunn , 106 months, post #16
Brains are hardwired. Certain areas of men's and women's brains are different sizes which accounts for a lot of human behavior including sexual orientation. There is scientific proof that certain areas of brains of homosexuals more resemble the size of the opposite sex. These variations are theorized to be caused by the amount of testosterone or estrogen the baby gets in the womb and in puberty.

Women innately do a lot of things to LOOK submissive from an early age even before puberty due to brain differences. One submissive behavior is flailing wrists or letting them go limp while talking. That trait is exhibited in women and in many homosexual men. It isn't taught; it is hard-wired. Another thing is the way women pluck their eyebrows. It makes them look more helpless. Women do this and have done this in cultures around the world in the East and West for thousands of years.

Many homosexual people throughout time have tried to correct their hardware errors by rewriting the "software" through values, church, laws, etc. But the brain just doesn't work that way. Many transgendered people try to fight it, but that isn't how their brains are wired.

Likewise, unless you actually exchange brains, the transformed person is going to take on behavioral characteristics of that person including sexual preference.

One author who has posted her research including MRI scans of gender brain differences is Dr. Louann Brizedine. Her books are available on Amazon and very readable even to the non-scientist.

I'd argue pretty with a lot of scientific support that stories where the swapped person doesn't follow the brain patterns of the individual they are in are flawed. They are either the product of lack of research or are simply indulgent fantasy.

From: Weirdoid , 106 months, post #17
Yes Holly, but as their is no scientific basis for a mind separate from the brain any and all mind swaps are indulgent fantasy, So why not let people indulge in the fantasy they want and not force laws upon it.

From: Weirdoid , 106 months, post #18
Sorry if I complained too much on this, I sort of feel people are wanting to stomp out my fantasies by saying magic cannot make a man free to act feminine by giving him a girls mind. I sort of feel defensive when my tastes are attacked as they are rare to begin with. Sorry if I sort of snapped at you.

From: Holly Dunn , 106 months, post #19
It's all good. I can take this stuff too seriously sometimes because I would really like to see some TG stories taken seriously with realistic character development and personal growth.
Some indulgence doesn't preclude character development and story telling. It just irks me how the TG story market seems to be devolving.

That being said, I also apologize if I came off a bit preachy or snappy.

We're a small community and we're all friends here.


From: guest (WhatItIs) , 106 months, post #20
There is a common thread here. Your brain will guide, even force you to a sexuality. When you "swap", that part of your brain may or may not "swap". So your sexuality may or may not swap, forcibly. You then have to reconcile the physiological and psycholigical. What will win?

So you may end up thinking you are one way, but your brain may be forcing you a different way. Or not. That's the fun of fiction. The author decides, and all ways are possible. Even forced changes. Think of the Bewitched movie.

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