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Dollhouse query
From: guest (Boston Brand) , 107 months, post #1
Hey there, a few weeks back, some fine folks helped me find a TG video I was looking for, linking it to the Joss Whedon (King of Nerds) show, Dollhouse. The premise is interesting, that personalities can be imprinted onto men and women who are esentially blank slates, or Tabula Rasa's as the case may be (thank you Year 12 Psychology).

Anyway, I was wondering if there were any other episodes, other than 'Belle Chose', that feature TG elements. The episode was great, with a male serial killer with a weird disdain/fetish for women, being imprinted onto a woman, but I wanna know if there's any more. Any help would be appreciated.


From: Holly Dunn , 107 months, post #2
I missed that thread, but Season 1 & 2 nare on Amazon's Prime Instant Video and stream for free if you have Prime, or are available for purchase.

From: guest (Easydog) , 107 months, post #3
There are only two other TG moments in this series that I can think of (spoilers btw) and both revolve around the doctors character, played by Amy Acker. Specifically that she herself is a doll, that is in fact a created amalgam personality. This is something she discovers when memories of her previous personality, that of the Dollhouse's first doctor (a man), bleeds through into her conciousness. Happens toward the end of the first series if I remember correctly (which I may not). Specifically the penultimate episode, I think.

I'm much more sure about the next TG in which one of the evil male CEOs, Clyde, has their personality implanted into Amy Acker's Doll (I have forgotten the name of the character, it's been about five years since I watched it). That happens in the penultimate episode of season two, the episode before Epitaph 2. It's probably the most explicit TG in the whole thing, but it's implied that Clyde's mind has been 'streamlined' for the corporation's purposes.

Dollhouse had great potential for TG, and for other fetishes, but it seemed to take great pains to avoid them. I assume partially because of the sensibilities of the network it was airing on but also because it probably had to walk a fine line when essentially telling a tale of high tech human trafficking. It probably did not want to turn into anything explotative itself when depicting the prostitution of it's characters. Either way, the TG is barely explored.

From: guest (Easydog) , 107 months, post #4
I was wrong about the first TG I mentioned. Some quick googling has shown that the episode in which Amy Acker's character, Whiskey, is revealed to have memories of a previously male doctor is episode 14, or the first episode of season two, called "Vows".

From: guest , 107 months, post #5
More spoilers...

There's some age regression and POSSIBLY some TG in the episode Epitaph One, which is the last episode of season one. There's a young girl, Iris, who is revealed late in the episode to have been imprinted with someone else's memories. We don't find out much about whose memories she has, but from her behavior, body language, and some of the words she uses, I get the impression that her memories are those of an adult male.

Later in the same episode, Iris is overwritten with the character Caroline's memories.

I think there's also a comic in which one character places copies of his mind into two separate bodies, and one of those bodies is female... but I haven't read the comic in question, so I'm not sure about that.

I agree with Easydog; Dollhouse had great TG potential. In addition to the reasons Easydog gave for why there wasn't more fetishy content, I will add that Joss Whedon is very much a feminist, so I wouldn't have expected the show to have done anything especially exploitative of women. Indeed, the show itself points out how wrong the Dollhouse's exploitation of its dolls is; turning the show into fanservice for fetishists would have undermined the show's central message.

On the other hand, TG issues could have been explored tastefully and in a manner perfectly consistent with Whedon's feminist values. Dollhouse's central conceit could have allowed for some amazing exploration of gender roles, feminism, misogyny, sexual orientation, and gender dysphoria, so I'm surprised and disappointed that the show didn't do more with TG specifically.

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