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What's your wish? But be careful...
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From: guest (JessicaDrew) , 110 months, post #21

But you find that you continually shapeshift into whatever you happen to think about whether you want to or not.

From: squidpowell , 110 months, post #22

no it would have to a concentrate thought like I had space I to had at a concentrate thought I could shape shift in to any thing I can think of.

From: guest (Also Interested) , 110 months, post #23
Squidpowell: JessicaDrew meant that the genie grants you the power, but that you can't control it since you "shapeshift into anything you think of." She's just continuing the game of "be careful what you wish for?"

If helps us practice for if one day we do get the chance to make a wish, we don't want to waste it!

From: guest , 110 months, post #24
I think if you make a wish, you should probably watch the episode of The X-Files that had the genie in it before making your wish. Definitely don't wish for "world peace".

From: guest (Also Interested) , 110 months, post #25
I remember that one! I never really got into X-files but I liked the few episodes I saw, including that one.

From: guest , 110 months, post #26
I wish for every woman that touches me to become to become a Horney bimbo desperate for a man for one hour

From: guest , 110 months, post #27
Guest #26: amounts to rape, really. I mean, if I could magically compel you to give me any of your belongings, that would still be theft.

What does Karen Horney have to do with bimbos anyway?

From: guest , 110 months, post #28
How is it, I didn't wish them to have sex with me, or even for them to want to have sex with me.

From: guest , 110 months, post #29
I also think a wish for everyone to be compelled to give away their belongings would be awesome, but it doesn't involve a transformation so think it's against the rules for this game ;)

From: guest , 110 months, post #30
Sigh not that it matters, but I was just setting it up, Horney can mean horned and Bimbo is masculine, as apposed to bimba the feminine, as any Latino knows. bimbo originally was a baby boy in. Italy then a thuggish brute in America, until like most words Americans got the gender wrong and misappropriated it (Santa Clause would be a woman, San Clause a man)... I feel really irritated thanks to post #28 and feel I need to both defend what I thought was a pretty clever post and apologise for anyone else who may take offence... Also desperate for a man can mean next to anything, I purposely left it ambiguous... Anyway I'm off to sulk...

From: guest , 110 months, post #31
"Santa claus" derives from the misspelling of "saint Nicholas"

From: cj , 110 months, post #32
Oh, you're sneaky! Here I had a wish all prepared. Tell the Genie a story about a particular character... describing them in detail, careful to leave nothing to chance... then wish to be that person. *sigh*


"The perfect girl" - nope, doesn't exist.
"My dream girl" - nope, trapped in my own mind.
"The girl next door" - that might work... or I could end up someone's dying grandmother.
even "A teen-aged, female version of myself" could be fraught with problems - like ID and explaining how I came to be... even if I specify "back when I was actually that age", it could introduce problems - perhaps my memories of now would be erased.

I'd be better off going for a simple, "I wish to be omnipotent yet wise."

From: guest (aras) , 110 months, post #33

The ability to migrate and infuse traits by touch.
To impact both others and myself.

For example, I could touch a young beautiful woman and an old woman at the same time and transfer the youth and beauty between them. The results would take time to reflect. Perhaps a few days.

I could hold hands with a man (who desires to be female) and a woman of his choice and transfer gender and some other traits to grant him the perfect sexchange.

From: cj , 110 months, post #34
Oh, sure aras, make the rest of us look selfish. ;-)

Omnipotence trumped by altruism.

From: guest , 110 months, post #35
I wish for a perfectly functional MAU.

@guest #30
''Bimbo is masculine, as apposed to bimba the feminine, as any Latino knows''
Umm no, not every word ending in ''o'' and ''a'' are masculine and feminine respectively, its also ridiculous to assume that a word that has been in use in english for close to a century should somehow have to follow spanish grammar structures, nevermind the fact that the word wasn't even borrowed from spanish or that bimbo and ''bimba'' don't even exist in the spanish language.

From: guest , 110 months, post #36
How "bimbo" has come to mean what it does in today's colloquial English is a mystery to me. Wasn't Betty Boop's (apparently male) dog called Bimbo? Bimbo is a brand of baked goods and a company producing them, based in Mexico but now with a big presence elsewhere including the USA.

Hmm... Apparently Grupo Bimbo just coined and chose to use the name; meaningless in Spanish but with vaguely innocent associations.... Wikipedia's article on the word isn't too helpful about how it came from referring to males of a certain type to referring to females of a rather different one...

From: Forestier , 110 months, post #37
From the Wiktionary:

From Italian bimbo (�a child, a male baby�), variant of bambino (�child�). Originated in Italian American theater, attested 1919, as �stupid, inconsequential man�, by 1920 developed sense of �floozie, attractive and stupid woman�. Popularized in 1920s by Jack Conway of entertainment magazine Variety, who also popularized baloney (�nonsense�) and palooka (�large stupid man�). Revived in popularity in 1980s US political sex scandals.

From: guest (aras) , 110 months, post #38
ha ha CJ,

For sure I would take on some of my own. ;)
Target athletic female body about 5 foot 8 tall. Blend of cute and beauty.

From: Forestier , 110 months, post #39
To aras:
You forgot mentioning a time limit, or an absence of time limit. You could be stuck very soon...

CJ's wish seems perfect (although, if omnipotent, you could remove the altruism, couldn't you?). But is it in the power range of a genie?

From: cj , 110 months, post #40
"But is it in the power range of a genie?"

I've often wondered that very thing. Would a genie's limited power be capable of bestowing omnipotence, or could that only be granted by another omnipotent being?

"if omnipotent, you could remove the altruism, couldn't you?"

I would suppose so, but why would I want to? Altruism is a very noble quality. I'm sure in my omnipotence, I'd help others even if doing so is of no benefit to me. But I have to say, there are certainly things that I'd do for myself as well. :-)

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