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Gotham Episode 18
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Gotham, episode 18 "Everyone has a Cobblepot"
Brief, fifteen second cutaway to a male head transplant on a female body. The shot shows the male head and neck on what appears to be a female body in a hospital gown. The transformation is like "Frankenstein" with different parts from different bodies sewn together. The left arm is definitely fema ...more
From: Julie , 111 months, post #1
Oh wow! A deranged surgeon had an employee disappoint him, he became a head transplant experiment onto a very shapely female frankenstein sort of body. Just in a hospital gown, but lovely nails and very busty!

Gotham S01 E18 "Everyone Has a Cobblepot"

From: guest (TF Central) , 111 months, post #2
Yeah...didn't see that one coming. My friend and I just stared for like 30 seconds, then laughed and high-fived. Still, why isn't this submitted to "What's New"?

From: guest , 111 months, post #3
How long is was this?

From: guest (Valkan) , 111 months, post #4
Trying to find images online but no luck. I think if I wait a little longer or try more keywods it'll show up on the interwebs. Otherwise I may just find the episode.

From the episode recaps and reviews I read I gather it wasn't that long a scene.

From: cj , 111 months, post #5
Doesn't appear that anyone has submitted this one yet. Feel free to do so. Click on the Submit link on the left hand side of the page.

From: Holly Dunn , 111 months, post #6
The guy is sewn together. It is hard to tell if the body is male or female, even though there is a tenting where breasts might be. Though the left hand has nail polish, the right arm looks male. The legs looks a little too muscular to be female, though they are hairless. The legs look like they are made up different body parts for upper and lower legs. He also screams out in a male voice and appears to have a thick male neck. Not sure how I would classify the transform.

To find it, go to Hulu and search Gotham, Season 1 Ep 18, "Everyone Has a Cobblepot."
The scene occurs in the last 15 seconds before commercial break #2.

From: cj , 111 months, post #7
Submission approved. I have questions about the entry seeming plagiarized (copied directly from the OP of this thread), so if I need to address that, please let me know.

Holly, thanks for the additional information. I'll try to view the material myself later tonight and help with the description. Having one's head sewn onto a patchwork body would also qualify as a transformation of sorts... but perhaps it wouldn't fit either male or gender (the head-swapped character was originally male, correct?)... monster, perhaps.

From: Holly Dunn , 111 months, post #8
It probably fits the TG category best, but it's one of those things that will end up to be very disappointing to a lot of people that look up the video in the future based on the entry labeled as TG. Maybe some extra description with words like "borderline" in the entry would make me feel a little better about it, or I could post a comment under the entry later.

As someone who occasionally goes through TG listings here to search for stuff, it sometimes can be frustrating to search and search only to find out it was almost nothing. Right now it's up on Hulu, but a couple years from now it might not be. I'm just pointing this out for the site to be as user friendly as possible.

From: Julie , 111 months, post #9
I don't mind the use of my description.

Does this link work? Just a cap of the reveal scene.

From: cj , 111 months, post #10
Holly, I'm glad that you mentioned all that in this thread that is linked to the entry. For future posterity, your concerns will be attached.

Also, I have no problem with you making that change to the actual entry. Not so much adding a "borderline" category... but with adding it in the description (or simply adding to the description) as you suggested.

From: Holly Dunn , 111 months, post #11
How would I add additional description to the entry? For some reason I haven't been able to figure out the posting and editing process. Otherwise I would be happy to do more for the site.

From: guest (TheSaint) , 111 months, post #12
This is probably the last we're ever going to see of this character but how great would it be if "she" had a recurring part. Like if he forced the guy to wear a wig and a dress and be his assistant or something?

I love the line "amusing, no?"

From: guest (Him) , 111 months, post #13
I just watched it and honestly it's clearly a mix of a man and a woman's body, it's clearly a smaller feminine frame and tbh i found it pretty horrifying lol his scream was chilling!

From: guest (Saint) , 111 months, post #14
Are you sure? I watched on the website (without the logo in the lower right corner) and the toes are painted the same color as the fingernails.

From: guest (Melllvar) , 111 months, post #15
Is there anything more in the rest of the episode? It would seem really strange if they show something like that and then make no reference to it again.

From: guest , 111 months, post #16
It's a big lipped alligator moment.

From: cj , 111 months, post #17
"How would I add additional description to the entry?"

I just created a new thread to help answer your question:

Thanks for the help Holly!

From: guest (ROBO) , 111 months, post #18
It was clearly TG. I watched it several times as it caught me by surprise. It was clearly the male officer managers head sewn on a patch work female body. It was very similar to Franken Hooker.

From: guest , 111 months, post #19
Am I the only one that thought it was very poorly edited CGI? You would think a show that has a budget like Gotham could have better CGI.

From: guest (ROBO) , 111 months, post #20
I don't think it was CGI, I am pretty sure they did it the same way as frankenhooker. I watched it in feeze frame on HD TV. The right foot had red nail polish and the left foot was from a black person.

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