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Discussion about links to Copyrighted works
From: cj , 111 months, post #1
The Man and I started a discussion in another thread about the proper and consistent handling of links to copyrighted works. While clips and short "fair-uses" of copyrighted material are almost always allowed, larger, significant or complete works are what's in question here.

The way that I've interpreted the rules regarding links to copyrighted materials over the years is that Paul's main concern was that not become a link repository for illegal copyrighted works. That's why I've usually given a "pass" to links where the content is hosted on a site that has a clear copyright remediation procedure in place... and that that procedure / link doesn't dead-end somewhere (as best I can tell).

The main contention that I have is that with the current proliferation of streaming sites that host and/or stream AUTHORIZED (read, LEGAL) copies of complete copyrighted works, it can become a burden to determine if the video's posting was authorized or not. Since not all of the copyright holders, nor the hosting / streaming companies outside of the United States are well known, I generally look for a link or button that would allow a copyright holder some remedy to take-down any infringing material. I also look for a link to their copyright or DMCA policy. If they appear to be consistent with the industry, and working - I generally give the link a pass, as the copyright holder has protection and a clear avenue of action to pursue with the host. If I can't easily and quickly find said links or buttons, the post with the link is removed.

Of course, most of this discussion is probably moot, as if the content is authorized, then it should be listed under its correct title / name - and then a simple mention of the hosting website and a quick search there should result in that video's listing.

Since it is Paul's board, I'm hoping that he'll jump in after some discussion and see if we're on the right track.

I welcome discussion from the registered users and especially so from the Trusted Users, so that we may all be as consistent as possible when dealing with links to copyrighted works. This thread will be post-locked to all non-registered guests to prevent abuse and flooding.

From: cj , 111 months, post #2
Don't forget to re-read the site's FAQ page and the Posting Guidelines concerning copyrighted works before chiming in.

From: cj , 111 months, post #3
And following my own advice in the post 2... I began to wonder when I stopped adhering to "... clips are ok. Also advertisement-like commercials are ok."

Then I recalled... a few years back when I returned here after being away for awhile, and I got lambasted by the community for removing links to YouTube videos... a few older users laid down a decent argument about the policies YouTube had in place. Interesting.

From: The Man , 111 months, post #4
As a note, i did leave the second link in the prior thread in place, which was a 1-2 minute clip of just the transformation. Theres a very fine difference between a moment and an hour, and thats what the principle of fair-use governs.

Back in the late 2000's into the early 2010's, i remember our own Lady Semhket had her video site, someone else had their torrents(Apologies because i can't remember who at the moment), but none of those clips, and even most of the ones we have linked to in the entries or elsewhere on the site were anywhere near that size.

From: cj , 111 months, post #5
True, but neither of those sites had a set or convenient way to request that a video be removed (DMCA/Copyright take-down), which YouTube does... nor were they used by copyright / content owners for posting / hosting complete works, which YouTube and other sites do.

Sometimes, we have to change a bit and roll with the advances / change / technology, etc. Still, we do want to honor Paul's wishes that this not become a portal for infringement.

From: Holly Dunn , 111 months, post #6
IMO, the rules here make for a good discussion board. There are other boards that post links to illegally uploaded works, so it shouldn't be an issue (such as Fictionmania IRC Xeraweb.) With changes under the law in the past few years, stuff that is illegally posted doesn't tend to stay up very long. Often not even 24-48 hours. I'm glad that the board isn't spammed with all that stuff that would amount to dead links.

I would argue though to leave the Youtube exception. Sites like Youtube do a lot of self-policing and have a ton to lose when they allow copyrighted materials to stay up. that being said, it is also easy to describe how to search for it on a site like Youtube with a certain title, phrasing, or poster which would leave the need for a direct link unnecessary.

The way things are handled here seem very reasonable to me. The rules facilitate discussion of the material itself, vs. soon-expiring and dead links to copyrighted material.

From: cj , 107 months, post #7
Now I know my memory is starting to get bad. I could have used this (merely 4-month old) thread not that long ago. ~sigh~

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Reason:Registered and Trusted Users only, please.