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F2F movie - Fetish
From: guest (F2F guest) , 112 months, post #1
F2F movie - Fetish. Starring, Song Hye Kyo, Arno Frisch, Athena Currey.

Arno is John Waits, married to Athena, Julie Waites. Song plays as Sookhi and early in the movie she takes the American name Julie. So there are two Julies

The movie shows the tensions that native born Korean women are bound to, even though living in New Jersey. Sookhi shows interest in John and Julie for a multitude of reasons. Eventually Sookhi sleeps with John but it is not a one night stand. John is torn but wants to stay with his wife Julie. Not to give away the entire movie, Julie is obliged to be friends with and trust Sookhi for some big reasons.

At one point, Sookhi and Julie are in a store and Sookhi says she wants to be blonde and wants to be like Julie. Julie tells Sookhi not to change it and that she likes Sookhi's hair. Julie then dyes her hair to be like Sookhi. Sookhi then gives Julie a school uniform - white blouse and plaid skirt to wear and the two look like sisters. John comes home late at night and finds both Sookhi and Julie in bed together. Julie wakes up next morning and is furious of what and who she sees in the bed.

Some "accidents" happen and Sookhi is in the body of Julie - BUT - she can't see. For about 15 minutes of the movie you're guessing who is who. John is in the hospital with Julie hugging her and telling her that the doctors say she is pregnant (a foreshadow of what happens at the end of movie). Eventually Julie is able to see. With her dyed hair she looks in the mirror and pulls her cheek as if her face were a mask. Julie waits for John to come home and serves him a cup of tea. She writes in a book (since the accident she hasn't spoken), "Who do you Love?"

The movie goes on with a fantastic ending.

From: guest (Nixon) , 112 months, post #2
this is a hard one to find, ughhh

From: guest , 112 months, post #3
make Yourself at Home (2008)

From: guest , 112 months, post #4

From: guest (Brad) , 112 months, post #5
It's actually on Amazon video. Free to watch if you have Prime and only a couple bucks to rent otherwise.

From: guest (nixon) , 112 months, post #6
yeah i seen that i was looking for the semi not normal way of finding it, i saw that youtube clip as well but thats no help to the film

From: Eric , 112 months, post #7
I viewed itt on Amazon. Some powerful moments. but for me didn't mke a lot of sense & in the beginning was a little to slow mofvving, but the ending was good
This is just my opinion of course

From: guest (jake) , 112 months, post #8
what happened at the end? any body swap?

From: Eric , 112 months, post #9
I hope I don't mess up the spoiler tags but here goes.

Click to show spoiler
Vgf abg pyrne ubj vg unccraf ohg ohg jura gur nzrevpna Whyvr gevrf gb xvyy gur Xberna jbzna jub vf gelvat gb fgrny ure uhfonaq & ure yvsr va gur fgehttyr gurl fjnc obqvrf. Naq gur Xberna Whyvr uvqrf gur obql ohg qbrfa'g frrz gb ernyvmr fbzrubj fur vf va gur Nzrevpna'f obql. Gurer'f n chmmyvat zveebe fprar jurer fur fznfurf gur zveebe phggvat ure snpr & qnzntvat ure rlrf. Gur uhfonaq pbzrf ubzr & svaqf uvf 'jvsr' vawherq & pnyyf na nzohyrapr na rlr qbpgbe fnirf gur rlrf. Gur jbzna sbe fbzr ernfba pna'g be jbag fcrnx. Gur uhfonaq pyrnef guvaxf ure uvf jvsr.Nsgre gur onaqntrf ner erzbirq fur ernyvmrf fur vf gur gur Nzrevpna jvsr & gbbxf ng n cvpgher gur uhfonaq gbbx bs gurz sbe ure sngure sebag bs Qnqql nf jryy nf gur zveebe fur ehfurf gb jurer fur unf uvq gur obql & vf fhecevfrq gb svaq ure sbezre obql. Fur cergraqf gb or gur erny nzrevpnna jvsr fhpprffshy rfcrpvnyyl nf gur uhfonaq gryyf ure fur vf gur bayl bar ur ybirf. Fbzr lrnef yngre fur vf oybaq & cynlvat unccvyl jvgu ure uhfonaq & n 10 lrne byq tvey, jura gur tvey oernxf vagb Xberna, gur zbz gryyf ure qba'g fcrnx Xberna va sebag bs qnqql.

From: guest (jay) , 112 months, post #10
How they swap bodies when the American julie is holding push korean the julie near the pool?

From: Eric , 112 months, post #11
No idea it makes no sense, a lot of tqhe movie, in my opinion is eeither so mystical or confused or both its hard to follow, but it has many disturning & powerful scenes.
There are hints earily in the film thata the Korean Julie might be a witch or have witch blood.

From: guest (jay) , 112 months, post #12
Eric on the beginning of the movie there is small young boy holding a toy or an instrument making sounds. Almost in the end of the movie that toy or instrument was heard again I think that's the key to swap bodies

From: Eric , 112 months, post #13
yoiu may be right, the dog dug it up & the AMerica Julie put it in her draw.

From: guest (nixon) , 112 months, post #14
i thought it was a pretty decent film besides it being dubbed over in like Russian or some Slavic language. i hope to find it on dvd for a cheaper price then the amazon cost happy hunting :-)

From: guest (suzy) , 112 months, post #15
wouldn't they wonder what happened to the other woman's body, I mean no one will ever go into that house and find it, at least if she threw it in the trash or something that may be plausible, and yeah the whole pool thing made no sense I was thinking it was when she looked into the mirror and saw the reflection was when it happened like her spirit was in the house and thats when it took it over, which is why the mirror broke, that's just my take.

From: Eric , 112 months, post #16
possible. Good point on the body. I wondered the same thing myself, but I don't any one was intersted in the Korean Julie everyone just assumed I htink they she went back home & of course the new American woman could dispose of the body

From: Bodyswap1 , 112 months, post #17
Hopefully somebody will post it online for free to watch.

From: guest (suzy) , 112 months, post #18
I went to imdb, didn't cost me a thing

From: guest (stag) , 112 months, post #19
available on HULU for free, and that's where IMDB directs you

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