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Lola Observation
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From: guest (Robbie) , 125 months, post #1
Watching the series Lola, I find it surprising that it took so long for Lalo to find out he was in another person's female body rather than a female version of his own body. I know it was just a TV show and I am really splitting hairs here but wouldn't he have noticed his ears were pierced, his nails were longer, he had a cap or crown or filling he never had before or perhaps a mole in the wrong spot etc. And it wasn't until Grace pointed out the possibility of this being so when they accidentally ran into Rueben at an intersection and he saw what he thought was his girlfriend Pepa driving but it was really Lalo in her body.

From: guest , 125 months, post #2
It's probably because Lalo was more concerned that he was now in a body that had a vagina and breasts to realize that it wasn't a female version of his male body but just some random woman's body. Meeting the woman in your old male body would probably be very scary for a man occupying a woman's body. I think the former woman would be more furious than the former man.

From: guest , 125 months, post #3
Recently seen some beautiful pics of blanca lewin. The show didn't do her justice. Ingrid Cruz is also really pretty.

From: guest , 125 months, post #4
True. Blanca Lewin looks good in anything but she looks great when she is dolled up. She looked amazing in that black dress she wore in one of the Lola episodes in which she was trying to seduce Grace's boyfriend.

From: guest , 125 months, post #5
Also I just went through all the episodes on youtube 216 to 276 really want to watch the 1st half though it seems better.

From: guest (guest) , 125 months, post #6

Which episodes are the one's containing her trying to seduce Grace's boyfriend?

From: guest , 125 months, post #7
220 I think.

From: guest , 125 months, post #8

From: guest , 125 months, post #9
Why didn't Lalo in the Chile Lola attempt to seduce other men as a way to blackmail them? He could have been made the boss if he had put on a short tight dress and heels and shook that booty.

From: guest (guest) , 125 months, post #10
whats the name of the series and episode??

From: guest (Robbie) , 125 months, post #11
Post #5- There are a few earlier Lola episodes on a Spanish language site like YouTube called Tu.Tv

From: guest (Best Friend) , 125 months, post #12
Post #10 The show is Lilo and Stitch: The Animated Series.

From: guest , 125 months, post #13
Lulz Lilo and Stitch. Some peoples on here are funny. You have a thread about a show called Lola and people are asking what the title of the show is. Funny stuff.

From: guest (Karis) , 125 months, post #14
Was Lalo "in" someone else's body? We saw the rather Spartan scene in #1 where Lalo's male body transforms into a female body. What is the nature of this new shape? Is it really a duplicate of a living woman's body, or is it actually the woman's body?

If the means of transformation were soul exchange, it would be clear. But it seems more like it was a shape exchange. It would then be a lot like the transformation in Dating the Enemy (which I just watched again; the plot really is done very well). The exchanged couple in that movie wake up in their own beds and pajamas, but wearing each other's shape.

If Lalo turned into a woman with pierced ears, and other unique scars and marks, he could reasonably assume that the magic made it happen that way, not that there actually is a woman out there (Danielle, I recall) who lived a life in this body before. In fact, the viewer is given no choice but to assume for about 148 episodes that there is no Danielle and the woman that Lalo becomes is physically unique, pierced ears and all. And, in reflection, I do not see any reason to believe that Lalo's body is not his own body that has been magically transformed into a detailed image of Danielle's shape, instead of a teleportation of her body into his pajamas.

Lalola was wonderfully done, but in my opinion, so little was accomplilshed with the Danielle plot, except offering shock value by bringing her in at the end of the series, that it served no useful function at all and I would not have done it if I were the script writer. By the way, in the Spanish Lalola, the woman in Lalo's shape is a much more important character and the scripts honestly explore her and her problems. Regardless, this subplot was not that interesting and I for one would have advised the Spaniards to skip it.

The same for Margosha, which had an unprecedented 3rd season for the telenovel and in it made the woman in Gosha's body a major character. Margot marrying the pseudo Gosha (instead of Andre) was a plotting mistake that took my overall estimation of the Russian version down several notches. Margot was one of the least likeable of the Lolas all along (despite being the most long-lived) and this final move set that impression in stone.

From: guest , 125 months, post #15
Can someone explain to me how Margot and Gosha got married in Margosha? Weren't they pretending to be relatives? I never understood that. I also never understood how Lalo tried to marry Pepa in the Chile Lola since according to Lalo, they are trying to pass themselves off as cousins. Incest?

From: guest , 125 months, post #16
It happens sometimes in those countries.

From: guest (Robbie) , 125 months, post #17
In the Chile Lola, Lalo ends up pregnant after swapping back into Pepa's body after she had had sex with Justin while she was herself for a bit again. That is what made me believe it was an exchange of bodies, not a copying of them.

From: guest , 125 months, post #18
why didn't Lalo just abort? Or is that taboo in Chile? I mean why should he be punished for Pepa and Justin's mistakes? And when Lalo tried to marry Pepa when they were in each other's bodies, why didn't Lalo just marry Justin instead?

From: guest , 125 months, post #19
um lalo and pepa were friends why would he abort?

From: guest , 125 months, post #20
lol lalo (chile version) even though he didn't like to wear dresses and stuff he really seemed to love wearing high heels in almost every episode.

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