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Rules for Medallion of Zulo
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From: guest (Brad) , 127 months, post #1
I'm writing a new story and it involves the Medallion of Zulo and I want to make sure I know all the details involved with it. Does anyone know if there's a page that has the "rules" of the Medallion, or the Altered Fates series in general?

Thanks in advance!

From: guest (Miss Pinky) , 127 months, post #2
The 'rules' as I remember them:

1. Only change once every 24 hours for a person.
2. If one person touches the amulet and a foreign article of clothing, they will turn into the last person to wear it.
3. If two people touch the amulet, they will transform into each-other.
4. If a person touches an unusual article of clothing that has never been worn, their body will change shape.
5. Brief exposure to the amulet can change individual body parts.
6. Combining different clothing items can combine features from different people.
7. A pregnant woman cannot transform.
8. Transformations can transfer muscle memory and instinct.

From: guest (djgoosle) , 127 months, post #3
Here is a decent list of the rules.

From: hskfmn , 127 months, post #4
I thought it was 12 hours.

From: guest (Brad) , 127 months, post #5
Thanks everyone! This helped with most of my questions.

I'm still curious though. I know some stories say the longer the medallion is on somebody at the time of the transformation, the more mannerisms they assume of that person. Is it only muscle memory or do they actually gain some of someones actual memories as well?

From: Mr. Ram , 127 months, post #6
Many people don't follow links and still have questions.

Here are Jennifer's rules.

Brad, I think rule five is pretty self explanatory, no actual memories are transferred.

Mr. Ram

The "Rules"

by Jennifer Adams
(Altered Fates universe Creator)

The rules... Hmmm... Well, They are not really rules. Rules sound so stuck in school or something.
Guidelines... yeah... that's the ticket.

The guidelines are mainly on the how the medallion works, as defined in AF: Juvenile Delinquent and
AF: Disguised For Life. I actually wrote them into the universe.

I will start with non-medallion-related guidelines.
(there are only two).

1. The medallion looks like cheap costume jewelry. No matter how well it is cleaned up it still looks
cheap. That leads us to #2.

2. No one ever pays much, if anything, for the medallion. Refer to #1.

3. It has a picture of an angel or a fairy holding a wand, it has also been discribed as possibly something
demonic, since the origin is unknown I suppose that is possible. There is also strange writing around the
outer edge on the front and the back of it is blank, it looks as though there may have been writing on it at
one time or may have just been scratched up.

Part of the goal of this universe is for the reader to think in the back of their mind. " Could this really
happen?" Or, " Could this happen to me?" By making the medallion readily available it makes these
questions possible.

Now for how the medallion works.

1. The medallion transforms the wearer, meaning that if the wearer removes the medallion the TF stops
right there. If a character takes the medallion off during an equine TF(into a horse) and removes the
medallion while he only has a tail. He will be a man with a horses tail for twelve hours. (Refer to #2).

2. A person's body can only handle one TF by the medallion in twelve hours. It takes time for the body to

3. If one wears the medallion and another touches the medallion it will produce a form swap, or they will
look like the other used to. As long as the wearer hasn't TF'ed with it in the last twelve hours, in which
case, nothing will happen.(refer to #2)

4. If a woman is menstruating or pregnant, the medallion will not completely TF her and then will
auto-reverse the TF immediately. This works for someone starting as female to begin with or a TG'ed
woman. Before the medallion will work on a pregnant/menstruating woman. She must complete the
pregnancy/menstruating and her body chemistry must return to it's pre-pregnancy/menstruating state.

5. The medallion only does slight mental changes. Very minor ones can and are sometimes done by the
medallion. Stronger mental changes can be made but there has to be a prompt from an outside force.
As in the wearer donning a wedding band, then they might automatically believe they are married, how
to please their hubby/wife. That sort of thing. I'm not a big fan of mind alterations, but they can be "made"
to occur. Be creative.

I think that about covers it. If you are not sure if something fits and you don't find any reference in one of
my AF stories (since there are some errors in AF stories written by other authors) feel free to e-mail me
and ask. My address is:

I almost forgot... Rule Number 6!



From: guest (Brad) , 127 months, post #7
I apologize. I did click on the link but I must have missed #5 (I was reading from my phone.)
Thanks for the info

From: guest , 127 months, post #8
In practice a lot of stories have mental changes, especially if a piece of suitable clothing is held to the Medallion for the length of the transformation, but that's breaking the rules.

From: guest (Jennifer Adams) , 127 months, post #9
Thank you Mr. Ram.


From: guest (Jennifer Adams) , 127 months, post #10
One thing I see a lot is...

...and he made sure to put on rubber gloves so he didn't touch the medallion...

The truth is, you can touch, hold, spin, or hit someone else with the medallion and nothing will happen. IT MUST BE WORN. I was asked and did make an amendment to this rule in that it can be worn anywhere on the body like having the chain looped around someone's wrist or ankle, but it still must be worn to work, as in AF: Sister's Revenge.

I hope that clears things up.


From: guest (Jayzie) , 127 months, post #11
Well this changes a lot of what I thought on how the medallion works. So it definitely has to be worn? I remember in a lot of stories someone would just hold the medallion and touch it to someone else and they'd switch forms. But idk for sure.

I also never understood why one couldn't TF into a pregnant woman or into a menstruating woman. It is magic after all, and the transfer of internal organs is already taking place, regardless.

From: guest (Jennifer Adams) , 127 months, post #12
Hi Jayzie,

This has been a miss use of the medallion for along time. Even though, I inform people time and time again. If it transformed anyone who touches it, anyone who found it would be turned into something when they touched it.

As far as turning into a pregnant or menstruating woman goes. It can happen. I believe there was one AF where the guy's daughter touched something belonging to his deceased wife to the medallion. It turned out it was something his wife had worn right after she had become pregnant with the daughter, before she started to show. Which meant he had to carry a another version of his own daughter who would be twenty some years younger. There have been other examples of this as well where a husband gets turned into a copy of his pregnant wife or some other woman while they are pregnant. Since they are pregnant they don't change in to him.


From: Allie , 127 months, post #13
If I am not mistaken, the Medallion always ends up being lost by the character. I don't see it as a main rule, so I guess it is a popular way to leave characters stuck (something that always bothered me).

From: Mr. Ram , 127 months, post #14
It doesn't have to be lost. In Danny Boy, by Morpheus, the medallion is inherited by the protagonist from his uncle. it seemed that the uncle had had it for a long time.

Mr. Ram

From: guest , 127 months, post #15
I recall other stories in which the Medallion is thrown out or given away on purpose after being used for months or years reliably, like the one where the unemployed middle-aged actor becomes a superb child actress and his wife makes herself younger and they stay as they are because that's what they want, rather than being stuck by accident. It seems to depend entirely on the plot the author's decided on.

There must be dozens of Medallions out there, too. Someone once suggested a story in which someone learned to manufacture working ones out of shoddy-looking plastic and mailed them off by the thousand.

From: guest (Jennifer Adams) , 127 months, post #16
For another example, in The Things We Do for Love the prognostic and his girlfriend trade places. He has long wanted to marry her, but she always refuses. After they trade places the girlfriend, now the boyfriend, says they could get married if he stays the woman and becomes the bride. He has the medallion in a bottle so it will float and tosses it into a river and the two head off to the justice of the peace.

Loosing the medallion seems to be an easy way to explain its disappearance from the story. In most of my stories, the medallion starts where I last left it. The Things We Do for Love was actually part of the original story set and after being thrown into the river it was found by the prognostic in Dance, Dance, Dance. It is stolen from him and the thief gets turned into a hooker in New York City. She looses it in the car driven by the prognostic in Disguised for Life, the ex-wife throws it out the window of a cab and it found by the prognostic of a story written by Kokepelli, I think. It just got too hard with so many writers in the story universe to keep doing it that way. One of the features of the medallion is that is has a way of disappearing on its own.


There is only one Medallion of Zulo, anything else is not truly a part of the Altered Fates Universe.

From: guest (SegataSaturn) , 127 months, post #17
First rule of Medallion of Zulo, never talk about Medallion of Zulo! (Sorry, someone had to make that joke!)

From: cj , 126 months, post #18
Well, dagnabit! I thought I followed the rules in my Zulo story. Guess I missed the being worn one.

From: guest (Jennifer Adams) , 126 months, post #19
Don't worry about it CJ. :) Somewhere along the line people started missing that fact so it kind of became a standard practice for while. I thought it would be a given that it needed to be worn.


From: guest (Dungeon Master32) , 112 months, post #20
Hmm...Sounds like an excellent object to leave for my players to find. Muahahaha

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