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Medallion of Zulo or Costume Gun Question (Fantasy Question)
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From: guest (WishICouldBeHer) , 128 months, post #1
For those that don't mind thinking about using the medallion or costume gun, who would you become and why?

From: cj , 128 months, post #2
Prefer the Medallion of Zulo.

First, I'd go shopping for some "supplies".

Then, I'd TF into my younger self (I still have some old clothes, etc around).

Next I'd go TG with the "supplies" I'd picked up earlier.

Now... if I only had a way to TF all my credentials and records to match the new me. Of course, I could just make it all temporary, and change back into myself after a couple of... days, weeks, months...

Or if I found someone willing to swap places and forms for awhile, I might try that.

For the Costume Gun... I'm not sure I could use it. Unless I found a willing partner. Then it would be up to whoever would be willing to be a costume.

From: guest , 128 months, post #3
I'd have no problem using either because I wouldn't swap with anyone and I wouldn't permanently become anyone else. If I had my choice, I'd like the medallion so I could just become a copy of different women but I'd have no problem using the costume gun on someone for a short time. I'd use it to become a friend of my girlfriend's. She's in great shape physically and is very very pretty.

From: Forestier , 128 months, post #4
Does using a costume gun imply you kill the person who used to be this costume?

From: guest (Jennifer Adams) , 128 months, post #5
I would use the Medallion to try out as many different female forms until it moved on to live with whatever form I was in when it left, as me or as one of the female forms.


From: guest (Macan) , 128 months, post #6
Ethics are important here ... as Medallion of Zulo & Costume Gun open very "doors" from an ethical perspective.

Forestier raises a good point re. Costume Gun meaning effectively "killing" the person you make into a costume. Zulo copies...but does not erase the original (in my understanding).

I like Costume Gun stories for this "dark" aspect...they are like horror stories/movies where you might cheer for the bad guy.

(PS: Interesting point...I recall Blot saying somewhere [apologies if not, as my memory may be faulty about writing Costume Gun stories, that they led to a generally darker mood in real life as well.).

Both are great devices...but sometimes one likes darker meat. :-)

From: guest (Skye) , 128 months, post #7
I'd definitely want to try on my neighbor. She's mid-20s, very cute, a runner's body. I love the idea of trying to fool the other people in her life.

From: cj , 128 months, post #8
IIRC - Costume Gun makes the person targeted into a skin-suit / costume to wear... but when you're done, you can zip it back up (empty) and the original person once again reanimates their own skin.

Of course... they lose control of those decisions once they've been zapped by the gun - so they are totally at the mercy of someone else to restore them... or not.

From: guest (Celeb Swap) , 128 months, post #9
I never liked the costume gun. Always seems really creepy and I sorta stay on the lightheaded side myself.

From: guest (medallion) , 128 months, post #10
The medallion all the way! The costume gun always seemed like a kind of murder, even if they can be restored later. The medallion you just run the risk, or eventuality, of loosing it, but you can use it with just an item of the person's clothing, so it really doesn't harm the person.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 127 months, post #11
I personally wouldn't use the costume gun. It seems pretty evil in my opinion.
I'd much rather use the medallion. Plus, with the medallion you get the excitement of having to choose carefully, because you are stuck in that form for something like 24 hours I believe.
Also, if you touch the medallion to someone else I'm pretty sure it's like a body swap, except you get to watch your bodies turn into each other which is pretty cool.

From: Nptox18 , 127 months, post #12
I would use them both...

And it would be funny if you coulda aquire both at the same time, and see if you can make changes at the "skinsuit" with the medalion of Zulo...


From: Sola , 127 months, post #13
I would only use the medallion, and I would use it to swap bodies with my wife. First, I would use old clothes to transform us into younger versions of ourselves, not too young, five or six years younger and I would do it while she is sleeping so she has no idea why that happened. After some days as our younger selves I would swap with her, again while she is asleep and then pretend that I don't know the reason of the change.

I would then throw the medallion away and leave us in each other's bodies for the rest of our lives.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 127 months, post #14
Personally I think I'd use the medallion to change myself into a younger Kate Beckensale's body. There's just something about her I really like. It would also be really interesting to meet her as that form just to see her reaction, we could even pretend to be sisters. lol

I'd also hold onto the medallion and every time I reached my 50's I'd swap back into the same form I was from the initial KB photo.

From: guest , 127 months, post #15
I use the medallion and would never use the costume gun!

From: guest (Suzi) , 127 months, post #16
I'd use both I'd love to use the gun have it pointed right at someone who'd have no idea what it was going to do, begging for their life not knowing what is about to really happen and when I zap them they'd get the suprise of their life. The medallion of course I'd love to use because the costume gun is only half the fun I'd love to use the medallion to swap bodies and make the person live my life as I do theirs and if they ever want the chance to get their body back they have to play along. Otherwise I could just commit a crime and swap back hence they spend the rest of their life in jail.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 127 months, post #17
"Otherwise I could just commit a crime and swap back hence they spend the rest of their life in jail."

Good lord, Suzi, planning any rapes or murders?

From: guest (CelebSwap) , 127 months, post #18
I was about to say. That's some dark thinking!

From: guest (Suzi) , 127 months, post #19
If a person uses the medallion to take another person's body I'm sure it's not like all the stories a person wouldn't let someone just take over their life, so sometimes a person would have to make the threat real enough that the other person is willing no matter how dark it is or may seem.

From: guest (northpole) , 127 months, post #20
people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

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