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Sam (2013) possible update?
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From: guest (aronimink) , 118 months, post #381
I believe this has been discussed before in this thread, so I'm not sure of the beneficial effects of continuing, but, since it was brought up...

My ideal storyline is what I believe is the same approach SAM's producers took: Namely, Sam, a 100% hetero male, became a 100% hetero female. And that incredible transition led to Sam moving from an unfulfilled life to a completely fulfilled and happy life. And the exploration of that happy transition is 100% of the movie's content. At least that is my hope.

From: guest (rush) , 117 months, post #382
Interesting how this website suggests the release date for Sam is tomorrow.

Release date 8-20-2014. Don't know how credible this website is.

From: guest (Valkan) , 117 months, post #383
The website looks super sketchy.

From: guest , 117 months, post #384
This reminds me of jukt micronics. Very suspicious.

From: guest (franklin) , 117 months, post #385
That website runs a little script that always shows tomorrow's date :)

From: guest (saint) , 117 months, post #386
Damn. The Oldenburg filmfest is only a few weeks away and still no news. I was sure that we'd get a trailer by September. What the hell is going on?

From: guest , 117 months, post #387
Jukt Micronics' website is more trustworthy than that website.

From: guest , 117 months, post #388
There is no Sam in the Timetable from the Oldenburg Filmfest.

From: guest , 117 months, post #389
Sorry, my bad. Looked into the timetable from last year.

From: guest (Saint) , 117 months, post #390
It's not much but it's something.

Natalie Knepp talking at "The Networker" panel. She talks about being friends with Steve Stanulis and how positive the set of "Sam" was. She also mentions she felt she understood her brothers better by playing a man trapped in a woman's body.

10:20 - 12:50

From: guest (rush) , 117 months, post #391
"not much"? I would call it the most significant thing in the past 3 months. I might be misunderstanding her but I think she says she saw Sam meaning that she saw a completed version of it recently.

From: guest (Saint) , 117 months, post #392
LOL. I didn't even catch that. Yeah, she says" I just saw a cut of it and it's unbelievable."

From: guest (Dutch) , 117 months, post #393
According to Mr. movie ticket, SAM was to be released today. Can anyone confirm this? Thanks

From: guest (rush) , 117 months, post #394
No, they always change the release date for next day. It's kind of like a thirsty person in the desert walking towards a pool of water that keeps moving just a bit out of his grasp.

From: guest (Saint) , 117 months, post #395
Currently half the cast of are shooting The Networker which is being directed by the coproducer and cowriter of SAM. We probably won't see an update until after they've finished making that movie.

From: guest (Saint) , 117 months, post #396
Matt Gundy of DuArt Post Production has been added to the credits as the sound re-recording mixer.

From: guest (aronimink) , 117 months, post #397
Thanks, Saint.

So... regarding the fact that Matt Gundy was just added to the credits, that means that work is still continuing on SAM, which also implies that SAM will DEFINITELY be released, at some point, either in the theaters or directly to DVD/Blu-Ray???

Also, I liked that in Natalie Knepp's interview she talked about how her character how to "figure out" all of the male/female stuff. It implied that SAM deals with the character development related to a male-to-female transformation, which most TG films utterly skip.

From: guest , 117 months, post #398
I know I'm probably begging for too much but I would love a getting dressed scene preferably with her in a bra and panties/boyshorts putting on black pantyhose and heels and then her outfit. I believe Louislouise had a few moments of that but then again that character liked to wear pantyhose.

From: guest (Valkan) , 117 months, post #399
According to Natalie Knepp's website Sam will be released in 2015.

From: guest (rush) , 117 months, post #400
Happy 400th post!

I just want a fresh take on the TG genre. Specifically, I want it to be inspired by lalola. So far the signs are encouraging.

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