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Meeting the person that you swapped bodies with
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From: guest (Jayzie) , 134 months, post #141
Because her body is nearly perfect. Her life is completely awesome.

Besides, how low and scummy would I be if I stole money from her? Nah, I'd rather brainwash her into thinking she was always me (sans "being a girl" fetish). Everybody wins

From: guest , 134 months, post #142
I guess I'm not that hardcore about body swapping because I wouldn't want to convince the woman that I was really her and she was really me. I wouldn't want it to be permanent and forever. Maybe a week or two. But yeah, the Belgium Lalola would be number 1 on my list. It would be interesting to have those thighs, hips, curves, breasts, and buns.

From: guest (Bob Bummer) , 134 months, post #143
What if it was Lola from Chile?

From: guest , 133 months, post #144
How would your meeting go with her if you showed up with a baby bump in her female body?

From: guest (2dog) , 133 months, post #145
Yeah I agree, I don't think I'm into brain washing them. Though depending on dire circumstances I may pretend to not know what there talking about.

From: guest , 133 months, post #146
I would be interested to see how the would react to the attire/clothes that I would be wearing in their female body. I'd be very tempted to wear some type of costume or dress like a business woman or a woman that works in an office. No pants for me unless they were tight jeans or tight dress pants. I'd mainly wear skirts and dresses.

From: guest , 133 months, post #147
I think there would be a lot of panic, fear, trying to figure it out. Depending on her temperament/acceptance of the situation things could get violent.
I rather think that I would be fairly calm at first then panic later (I have some experience with stressful situations).
Trying to get things straightened out would be priority one, working with those around us.
Finally meeting with family and friends, I would hope we could have some major pow-wow to get everyone on board with what had happened to make sure there was no one out of the loop.
Divorce would follow, I am sure, my wife would blow up.
Live with friends while I got my life in order.
The individual that has my body would have it, so I would have little to say. I would hope that the golden rule would apply.
Stay close to the person that has my body, talk every day- who did you talk to, where you been, just so when I do get it back I am not ambushed by something she did.
All the while trying to get this mess cleaned up.

From: guest , 133 months, post #148
What would you do if she saw you while you were in her body and she did not like what you were wearing in her body? Would you change out of the clothes or refuse? Or what if she liked what you were wearing and gave you a little slap on the butt?

From: Forestier , 133 months, post #149
What would you do if she saw you while you were in her body and she did not like what you were wearing in her body?

It depends on a lot of things. If the swap is irreversible, why would one care? But we could speak and exchange tips.

From: guest (draco) , 133 months, post #150
I really want to see the captions or stories that woman(now man) teaches how to pee in front of the man(now woman)

From: Forestier , 133 months, post #151
To draco
Does one really have to learn this?

From: guest , 133 months, post #152
Let's say that you will swap back eventually maybe within a month. Would a woman care that a man was wearing sexy outfits and/or costumes in her body? This person is going to know you intimately since they will have seen your body naked just like you will have seen their body naked too. You will have touched their private parts just as they will have done the same to you. Would that be weird or normal?

From: guest , 132 months, post #153
I think it would be funny if the person that swapped you ran away the moment they saw you. I guess it would be funny and maybe scary since the person would occupying your body and running away with it.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 132 months, post #154
Alyssa Milano is pretty attractive, so I wouldn't mind a swap with her.

But when it comes to Maria Menounos, good lord! I really would love to switch bodies with her and I'd hope it was permanent, what wouldn't I do for a body like that?

From: guest , 132 months, post #155
What if your male body transformed into some random female's body and vice versa like in Lalola? Would you expect to be allowed to see your former body naked during your meetup? Do you think the woman that is in your male body would let you see them naked and touch your special places? That would be awkward. Imagine taking a shower together. Just think of how the conservation would go. LOL

From: guest (Jayzie) , 132 months, post #156
That would be so interesting. It'd especially be awkward if she wouldn't let you see your old body naked and then you ended up not showing her your new self naked either.
How intriguing

From: guest , 132 months, post #157
She would have your former male body so I guess she could overpower you and see her female body naked that you now occupy. That would be worst case scenario and probably very scary since she could rape you. I'm sure she would be grabby around you since she would have your male body and your male hormones. The sight of her breasts might arouse her. Very awkward indeed. Personally, I think it would be interesting to show up in our meet up doing cosplay and see reaction. Would she be furious that I would be wearing something that would definitely be exposing and showing off her female body? Would she grab my female butt cheeks and spank the butt?

From: guest (Jayzie) , 132 months, post #158
What if instead she were to choke you until you passed out and you woke up tied to a chair dressed in something she would wear, or maybe something else fetishism related?

That would be both terrifying and interesting.

From: guest , 132 months, post #159
I will pass on the bondage. I don't think she would be terribly upset if she saw me in what I would I wear in her body. If I did cosplay as her, I'd either dress up as a playboy bunny, Catwoman, or Ms. Marvel. If I dressed regularly, I'd probably wear a form fitting short dress or a sweater dress with tights and boots.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 132 months, post #160
Nice choices. Sweater dress, bluish leather jacket and knee high boots are some of my favourite selections.

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