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Body Swap in the past?
From: guest (Pantyhose) , 139 months, post #1
I was wondering if anyone knows an old book involving body swap stories? Like a book from 19� Century, or even older, preferably a book with MTF switches. I was thinking if they thought about how would be switch bodies with someone, at that time? And if someone had this fetish.

It�s always hard when you try to search the �history� of a fetish, like �Since when the it exist?� Because I mean, those people didn't have Google XD

I mean, imagine how would be pretty amazing read a body swap story wrote in 1850?! Someone must have written a story XD

From: BuckyBo , 139 months, post #2
Speaking total speculation here, but it may be hard to find one. The perception of females in our culture back then may have resulted in something like a sexual desire to become a woman being very taboo. Chances are if anyone had desires like it back then they kept them private.

From: dis_guise , 139 months, post #3
I recall some listings on this site and some discussion on this message board about body swap and sex change stories dating to the 1880s.

Then there's this, from 1907, which last I checked had been submitted here but not approved:

Click to show spoiler
N oevyyvnag qbpgbe jvgu nyzbfg fhcreuhzna novyvgvrf nygreangrf orgjrra hfvat uvf bja obql naq gur obql bs n lbhat jbzna, guerr be fb qnlf ng n gvzr. Ur'f nccneragyl qevira gur fbhy be jungrire bhg bs gur jbzna'f obql, fb jura ur'f hfvat bar obql gur bgure vf nccneragyl pbzngbfr. Svanyyl, nf gur jbzna, fur'f vawherq naq vf gnxra hapbafpvbhf gb ubfcvgny, naq ure bevtvany znyr obql qvrf sebz abg orvat hfrq, fb fur'f fghpx va gur fgbyra srznyr obql sbe yvsr. Vg'f abg erirnyrq hagvy gur raq -- ohg pyrneyl gur qbpgbe'f frys unf n jbaqreshy gvzr orvat srznyr.

From: guest (Pantyhose) , 139 months, post #4

Thank you very much for your information. By the way, do you remember the adress of the page that the people was talking about body swap stories dating to 1880s?

From: dis_guise , 139 months, post #5
I know that there was a novel called A Florida Enchantment, later made into a now-lost play and a silent movie. 1891 for the novel. Magic seed that when ingested changes one's gender; a woman takes it and becomes a man, then her former fiance takes it and becomes a woman, or something like that; in the movie, it seems, the woman looks as if she becomes a mannish woman and the man an effeminate man, but presumably they were supposed to actually change gender.

I know there's been discussion at least about the novel on the message board here... not sure how to search for it...

From: Eric , 139 months, post #6
Oldet ody swap storiees I am aware of inthe early 1800 Mary Shelley wrote one about an evil, ugly Drawft who tricks a handsome oyung man into a body swap.
Another one written by WS Gilbert :Arcadia" I believe is a play where many bodies are swapped, short & played for laughs, where a girl swaps with her dad, her mom swaps with her BF, the BF end up in the pretty young girls body.

From: dis_guise , 139 months, post #7
A thread found by using the bottom of the page message board search:

This includes an 1872 play by W.S. Gilbert of Gilbert and Sullivan fame... and the book I mentioned above.

From: guest (Pantyhose) , 139 months, post #8
I was reading the "Happy Arcadia", and this dialog caught my attention:

STREP. And there's so few things for me to put on, and they're not at all the sort of
things I've been accustomed to. There now, I never, never can show myself
in such an extremely scanty dress.

DAPHNE. Go and change those things directly. I don't approve of my wife going about in those clothes.

STREP. Well, but I'm not your wife now, dear - I'm your husband.

DAPHNE. I don't care. I insist on your wearing a petticoat.

I wondering if the play's author had a body swap fetish? Or cross-dressing fetish? It's kinda funny because I already saw similar dialogs in conteporane body swap movies LOL

From: guest (Robbie) , 139 months, post #9
Try to find "When Reginald was Caroline" from about 100 years ago.

From: guest (ShinyShip) , 139 months, post #10
I don't think this is exactly what you are looking for but the I believe the oldest known story along this vein is the ancient Greek myth of Tiresias. Hera cursed Tiresias to be a woman where he either married and had kids or was a famous prostitute. After seven years he turns back into a man. Search Google if you want more details.

From: guest (Pantyhose) , 139 months, post #11
Thank you Robbie, and thank you ShinyShip, I didn't know that greek mythology had spoken about gender swap..

From: Hank Hill , 139 months, post #12
If I'm not mistaken, there's was a lot of shapeshifting and stuff in Norse Mythology which mostly involved Loki. Not sure if there was much body swapping and such though, if any.

From: guest (RikJohnson) , 139 months, post #13
The old Pagan Gods were always shapeshifting to sleep with mortal women. Leda and the Swan comes to mind.
Loki once changed into a mare and got pregnant by a stallion.
And to punish bad people, the Gods were always changing them into something or such. With Tiresias, he accepted the change, married and had children before he changed back but somehow the stories don;t talk abouthis former family whos husband/father abandons them for another man!.

THAT is an interesting thought.
Most Tiresian stories show the M2F where the new-woman suddenly accepts and becomes a perfect woman (no learning curve) who loves sex.
But what about that person's family? Job? Friends? Anyone think how it affects them to find that their son is now their daughter? I recall only one web-comic that considered that.

From: guest (RikJohnson) , 139 months, post #14
2835 Mayfair; a Novel
A Florida Enchantment
Happy Arcadia
When Reginald was Caroline
All sound intersting as they are old enough to avoid the overused trope "hey! I have bobs & vagina! I'll test them out!" So the older novels should focus more on society and family and how men & women are perceived.

Problem is, they are almost impossible to find online and in the case of 2835, the offered link tells me I need a password. I got a guest-password form UofM but the site won't recognize it so I cannot download.

Has anyone managed to collect these works in e-format and willing to send them over to be read and enjoyed? Or provide a link that can be used by someone who is mostly computer illiterate? Gutenberg does not have them.

From: dis_guise , 139 months, post #15
Yeah, I've just read 2835 Mayfair page by page on line. I suppose someone with download access could convert it to proper electronic form, but apparently nobody has.

From: hskfmn , 139 months, post #16

There are a bunch of myths of Zeus leaving Olympus to turn into an animal and.....mingle, with the local wildlife. Haha.

From: guest (TF Central) , 139 months, post #17
I do know this one book from the 1800s I think. It's called "The other side of the coin" and involves a husband-wife swap.

From: guest (Jacksaw) , 139 months, post #18
@RikJohnson You can download PDF format of "A Florida Enchantment" (book is circa 1892) free at:

And "..When Reginald Was Caroline" (book is circa 1902) PDF also free at :

Under "View the Book" window, Right-Click (Save As) "PDF" or "B/W PDF" for black and white copy. They're free and legal downloads. You can find a lot of books available on the site ( Site is similar to Gutenberg.

From: guest , 109 months, post #19
Looks as if 2835 Mayfair could be republished soon:

From: guest (raaj) , 109 months, post #20
Identity Exchange by R. Purdom published 1905. Multiple swaps with illustrations

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