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New Body Swaps Movies
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From: guest (Guest2) , 150 months, post #41
I completely agree with Gargoyl.

This film is worth supporting. I got my screener DVD today was a thoughtful letter of thanks from the director. I'd feel real bad if his movie got pirated.

The story is silly and all over the place but it's still fun and has a lot of heart. Every shot is beautifully composed and the special effects are phenomenal for the budget. Unfortunately there's not transformation.

There movie does have some pretty clever and funny moments (the TV broadcasts were great) but it really need more attention to story and character development.

For example, if you're gonna have a body swap typically the purpose is for those two characters to grow to have a connection with one another.

I will say this, I loved the ending and the credit song. I really hope Chad Peter keeps making films. The guy is a natural filmmaker even if his scripts need some work.

P.S. If you see his web series Roleplayed the very first episode has some funny TG undertones.

From: guest (Guest2) , 150 months, post #42
@ me
This movie is more or less PG-13. There is a masturbation scene but it is a little surreal. She takes a pill that stimulates an orgasam so its clothes on. The character gropes her chest when she realizes she's switched bodies.

From: guest (me) , 150 months, post #43
Thank You!

From: guest (that guy) , 150 months, post #44
any possibility that someone could put a clip of the body swap on youtube or something like that?

From: guest (Guest2) , 150 months, post #45
Sorry. I think the filmmaker would be a mad at unauthorized clips popping up a week after he released the movie he spent 4 years making.

From: guest (me) , 150 months, post #46
ok got my copy the movie is actually good BUT the TG body swap is not all that good at all and the masturbation scene well lets just there really isn't one. Overall tho i liked the movie but the TG aspect is very weak if there at all....

From: guest (jimbo) , 150 months, post #47
Just curious, how did it take to get your copy after you purchased it. Thanks

From: guest (thesaint) , 149 months, post #48
I got mine within 48 hours. Good movie.

I was really expecting more TG content especially when John's brother tells him he's "such a girl" or when Renee (see clip in this thread) gives him the pep talk about enjoying the opportunity to be a woman. The masterbation scene is more of an orgasam scene. She takes a pill and then rolls around on the floor. It's well shot and edited but its short. There was just so much going on in this movie, so many ideas thrown together, that the bodyswap subplot seemed to beClick to show spoiler
bayl gur pngnylfg gb trg Wnpxyla gb gnt nybat. Naq fvapr Wnpxyla'f punenpgre jnf fb guva vg jbhyq unir znqr zber fvapr fgbeljvfr sbe Wnpx gb rvgure genafsbez vagb n tvey be fjnc jvgu ZbyrlZbyr. Gur obqlfjnc/genafsbezngvba fubhyq unir orra n jnl gb rvgure qrirybc gur gur ybir vagrerfg be uryc uvz trg bire uvf ceboyrzf jvgu jbzra. Vg znxrf frafr gung ur jbhyq frrx bhg uvf puvyqubbq pehfu ohg vg qbrfa'g znxr frafr gung gurer eryngvbafuvc arire qrirybcf. Rvgure qrirybc vg be sbphf ba ZbyrlZbyr For the TG completest I would get this movie. The wake up / mirror scene was pretty standard but well shot. I like how she lifts her hair, looks down her shirt and doesn't scream.

From: Holly Dunn , 149 months, post #49
Cool storyline. I am not a movie fan, but enjoyed this movie very much. The TG element was a major part of the movie, but not overly sexual. There is some sex, but they don't show it or talk too much about the feelings.

It's low budget, but shot very well. For $11, I highly recommend it. And it is important to support the cause.

From: guest (bronco) , 149 months, post #50
Rotten tomatoes has a page for this now... not seeing any critic reviews yet, tho

From: guest (bronco) , 149 months, post #51
The filmmakers posted a contest to win a DVD on the facebook page

From: guest (Samuel) , 149 months, post #52

The movie's finally on iTunes

From: guest (ginger) , 147 months, post #53
Awesome! just rented. fun movie!

From: guest (ashu) , 147 months, post #54
Wish i was born in us they dont ship in my country nor does itunes have it "in my country" what should i do?

From: Anybody , 147 months, post #55
In Brazil I couldn't donwload it from iTunes either. But I bought the DVD and they shipped just fine.

From: guest (ashu) , 147 months, post #56
How? the site says USA/canada only

From: Anybody , 147 months, post #57

From: guest (suede) , 143 months, post #58
Could someone pretty please upload the body swap scene
I bought the movie but it didn't arrive as it should, I suspect that it had to do with me living outside the US

From: Alias , 143 months, post #59
You could always move.

From: guest (Me) , 143 months, post #60
Trust me the bodyswap scene sucked it wasn't even explored horrible waste of money

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