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Comment: Munsters, "Lily Munster Girl Model"
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Munsters episode Lily Munster Girl Model
When Lily gets a modeling job, Herman decides to get her to quit by making her jealous. To help with his plan, Grampa uses a magic potion to become a beautiful woman. At the end of the episode Eddie accidently drinks the potion and becomes a girl.
From: JayGee , 221 months, post #21
The original pilot for The Munsters was in color. Herman was blue, rather than the green I would have expected. I think Lilly's name was something else other than Lilly, too.

From: guest , 107 months, post #22
Just saw this episode. Funny because Grampa transforms into a beautiful young woman.

But it's totally incoherent with the rest of the series because both Grampa and Herman find her attractive. Marilyn is also very beautiful and the rest of the family think she's horrible because of their twisted standards.

From: guest (KJ) , 107 months, post #23
Always thought the same too

From: guest , 107 months, post #24
I'm totally embarrassed that I never actually noticed that. I thought it was funny because of the inherent awkwardness of Herman suddenly finding himself attracted to his father-in-law and I've always loved awkward humor. In their defense, the actress who played girl-grampa (Nina Shipman) was way hot whereas I always found the Marilyns to be kinda generic ersatz M. Monroes. Subtle distinction, I suppose.

As a metamorphose visitor some of you might share an interest in before and after photos as I do. For me, whether it's AR/AP, TG, weight reduction, geek-to-chic, prosthetic make-up, et al., I find it fun and interesting. I've never seen anything else that Nina Shipman was in but the actress who played the little girl that Eddie turned into was named Kimberly Beckman and she actually got work in the 70s in, I think, the 1st Friday the Thirteenth and in the early 80s in T.J. Hooker ( w/ Wm. Shatner and Heather Locklear). I was just curious what he might look like if he got "stuck"> ;-)

From: guest (me2) , 107 months, post #25
google kimberly beck

she was also kimberly beck-hilton for a while.

lots of pictures to wade thru

From: guest , 107 months, post #26
Well, the prettier the girl was, the uglier they should find her. That's how their twisted tastes worked, otherwise than in this episode.

From: guest (Morphan) , 107 months, post #27
Grampa experienced not just a tg, but age regression. Therefore, when Eddie drank the same potion should he not have turned into a baby girl? Or perhaps an exact copy of the girl Grampa turned into. What was the addition? A little 36, 24, 36? Looks like it's missing.

From: guest (Guestimation) , 107 months, post #28
What seems really odd to me is, The Munsters, The Flintstones, Gilligan's Island and Dobie Gillis all had an instance of a sexy-looking MtF transformation or body-swap... but neither Bewitched, nor I Dream of Jeannie, both which were built completely on a premise of magic and frequent transformations, ever really did, despite their long runs.

Of course, it was a pretty risque concept for 1960s sitcoms aimed at a family audience, but as the above series demonstrated, if it was done in a wacky, fairly "safe" way (and often briefly), it wasn't particularly forbidden.

The closest Bewitched got was a brief transformation of Darrin into an old lady (barely even in drag, just Dick York hunched over, wearing a shawl and a babushka) in an early episode, Darrin and Samantha having just their voices switched in a later show, and maybe one where Darrin is made to feel Samantha's pregnancy symptoms.

I Dream of Jeannie had Jeannie disguise herself as a male character a couple of times, but no examples, that I'm aware of, of Tony Nelson or Roger Healey (or any other male character) ever being changed into a woman at all.

But The Munsters goes all-out in this episode --and has Herman accidentally change into a hideous female version of himself, in another episode, even though the show only ran for two seasons.

Very strange indeed, this disparity, in my opinion.

From: guest (aronimink) , 107 months, post #29
Nice pickup, guest post #22, I never noticed the incongruity of Grandpa intentionally transforming himself into a "beautiful girl" (either beautiful or gorgeous, can't remember) even though it violated the Munsters standard of beauty, and the goal was to make Lily jealous.

And I agree with guest #24, the episode is merrily extremely awkward. At the fashion show Grandpa, now a way-hot young woman, practically seduces Herman, draping herself over him, rubbing him, and asking him "How am I doing, Herman?" And Herman is clearly enjoying it, replying "A lot better than when you turned yourself into" (whatever it was). And when Lily comes out again, Herman tells Grandpa to "really lay it on thick." And the gorgeous girl willingly complies. Yep, as way-hot as Grandpa now was, the scene was also way-awkward.

Still, I wish that had been a multi-part episode. In that brief glimpse the writers showed the ability to get the most out of the TG premise.

From: guest (Jc) , 107 months, post #30
The episode is on Netflix and YouTube

From: Paul , 107 months, post #31
If you want to nick pick, Grandpa drinks the whole potion leaving nothing for Eddie to drink later.

From: guest (Morphan) , 107 months, post #32
re: "I Dream of Genie" and "Bewitched" totally failing to do a proper tg episode, both shows were inspired by "My Favorite Martian", which did have a tg episode. Then again, the original "Adams Family" also failed to produce a tg episode. And in that same era "Batman" did likewise, despite having about three episodes where women disguised themselves as Robin. (At that time Clayface was making frequent appearances in the comic too. Another missed opportunity).

From: guest , 107 months, post #33
The "My Favorite Martian" one was sexy... well, the character the actress usually played was ditzy to the point of inducing pain, but playing Uncle Martin in the ultimate drag she was downright hot.

From: guest , 107 months, post #34
Thanks me2 for the correction. I shoulda' imdb'd it first. My laziness is better than my memory. And it wasn't the first Friday the 13th either but a later one in the '84. My bad.

From: Paul , 107 months, post #35
In the I Dream of Jeannie episode The Blood of a Jeannie, Roger pretends to be Jeannie for a blood test. He isn't made to look like her, he just stand behind a curtain and sticks his arm through for the blood draw. This is an example where writers went out of their way not to do tg. A duplicate Jeannie or a body swap would have both worked out better comedy wise.

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