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Review: X,Y
X, Y
Based on the novel by Michael Blumlein. A stripper and customer both faint and swith places. Shown at the Slamdance 2004 Film Festival.
From: Lady Sekhmet , 245 months, post #1
"Switch Places" is far from an accurate description of this film. This is no generic body swap movie, its a metamorphosis of a completely different kind - one involving an exchange of gender "psyche".

X,Y is a dark but highly intelligent film about gender roles at a subconcious level and a disection of power in sexual relationships.

This film is a must see for any transformation enthusiast!

From: guest , 103 months, post #2
Message deleted by cj. Not a review. Please start a new thread for your request.
From: Lady Sekhmet , 103 months, post #3
Wow, what a blast from the past. I spoke briefly with the director back when this was making its rounds on the indi circuit. I don't believe this film was ever released digitally (though I'm sure I had a copy of the trailer at some point).

The films website is still up however and it contains a few stills:

XY The Movie

From: Lady Sekhmet , 103 months, post #4
Found the video clip I had. It's old and low rez but it's all I have. A cursory googling turned up nothing beyond the website.

This link will expire in two weeks I believe:

Scenes from X, Y

From: guest , 103 months, post #5
Lol it's blocked already ;)

From: cj , 103 months, post #6
I don't think it's blocked... just that we don't have permission to view. I guess that's almost the same thing though.

I'm guessing that the permissions weren't set to allow sharing. But that's just my uneducated guess.

<Message>Access denied </Message>

From: guest , 103 months, post #7
It's too bad this wasn't released; this looks great. It's a nice twist on the typical transformation/body swap scenario. Hopefully Lady Sekhmet is able to get the link with the video sorted out, at least, so that we can watch what's available.

From: Lady Sekhmet , 103 months, post #8
That was an attempt at a direct link, I guess they need the ad supported page, try this:

Scenes from X, Y

From: cj , 103 months, post #9
Yep, that works. Thanks Lady S.

From: cj , 103 months, post #10
Here's a link to another review that explores the material a bit as well:,y.htm NOTE: Link may reveal SPOILERS.

From: Lady Sekhmet , 103 months, post #11
May reveal spoilers?
It reveals the entire storyline of the film :) Not that anyone is likely to ever see the movie anyway...

From: guest (brody) , 103 months, post #12
Wow, thanks for the insight. I saw this preview a long time ago. Thanks for the spoiler info too.

From: guest , 103 months, post #13
It's nice to have the spoilers, actually, to put the video and screenshots in context. Thanks, Lady Sekhmet and cj. :)

From: guest (Ramfault) , 103 months, post #14
I've been reading fantasy and sf for quite a while. I spotted the first release edition of X,Y at a World Fantasy Con. There have always been few tg novels around, so I bought it with particular interest. It was an unusual story, but it was unusual in ways that put me off.

Click to show spoiler
Gur snpg gung gur fjvgpurq crefba pbhyqa'g erzrzore nal yvsr, znyr be srznyr, vzzrqvngryl gbbx gur gnyr va n qverpgvba V qvqa'g jnag gb tb. Vg jnf uneq gb trg vaibyirq, orpnhfr gur crefba vaibyirq vf haxabja gb gur ernqre; gurl qba'g trg vagb ure CBI hagvy fur vf nzarfvnpny. Vg vf uneq gb pner nobhg fhpu na haxabja ragvgl. Naq V sbhaq gur qrirybczrag frkvfg. V'z fb irel chg bss ol jevgref gung znxr rirel oblsevraq nohfvir. Bapr gur bcravat puncgref unq zr chg bss, V fxvzzrq gur ynggre cneg bs gur obbx, gelvat gb svaq fbzrguvat gung jbhyq whfgvsl jbexvat n crefba guebhtu gur. Ohg gurer jnfa'g nalguvat gb teno zr. V arire fnj n ernfba gb tvir gur abiry n frpbaq gel.

The spoiler above tells why I didn't like the original book. I find myself unexcited about it being made into a movie. I think the book became a film because the unrelieved negativity of it resonated with the artsy-smartsy crown. I'd call it a tg book for people who have never read a tg story before and have never wanted to. But it is not necessarily a good piece for people who are attuned to such reading. Maybe the movie makers fix some off-putting things about the plot, but I wouldn't count on it. I'd be more excited if I heard that Heinlein's I WILL FEAR NO EVIL was made into a film. Or, better still, Gael Baudino's DRAGONSWORD.

From: Tuggy24g , 103 months, post #15
Looks like an interesting movie and concept. Just wish I could watching it.

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