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Lola Chile Version
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From: Holly Dunn , 120 months, post #61
@guest Post #60
Hard to explain the broadcast standards of Catholic Church of Chile for what appears to be the nation's largest network. Seems the Church owns several networks there, perhaps because they were the only ones with enough money to build them circa 1959. And if they were too strict about everything, they wouldn't have much to air. During Lola's run there were several articles about how the plot was changed from the original due to Church influence. Lola ran 2007-2008, and the church sold a majority interest of the network in 2010.

Until 2010 (Canal 13) was wholly owned by the Catholic University of Chile, by holding Companies UC . Then the Luksic Group purchased 67%. 33% of Canal 13 is still held by the Pontificia Universidad Cat�lica de Chile.

News Article
"The soap opera was no stranger to controversy during its extended run. Catholic Church leaders urged the series� network, Universidad Cat�lica�s Canal 13, to exercise restraint in relation to the show�s content, with one bishop criticizing �Lola� advertisements featuring a pregnant man."

From: Holly Dunn , 120 months, post #62
Oh here is the Lola pregnant image of Lalo, played by Jorge Alberti:

No idea why some sexual situations are ok, the transformation is ok, but the character development isn't. Also not sure why the objecting Bishops had some changes made, but this went out over their objections.

From: guest (Robbie) , 120 months, post #63
Holly Dunn- Do you think this is why it is so hard to find any material of the Chile version online? They don't want to show it due to not agreeing with the content they allowed on the air in the first place. What I find odd is this was the longest running telenovela ever in Chile. You would think there would be a market to sell the dvds to the public.

From: Holly Dunn , 120 months, post #64
Haven't read anything specifically about canal 13 trying to keep material off the web, but different entities have opposite views of what is good publicity. Some see old series on Youtube with their company logo imprinted in the bottom corner as a plus. They see it as potentially bringing new eyeballs to look at their channel, website, and other material. Others see it as a threat and actively report and block Youtube and other sites from hosting their materials. There is a cost involved to host all the videos otherwise, and the ad revenue for the reruns probably isn't a hot seller. So possibly it is too expensive for them to host and they are a company that sees an old series on Youtube as a glass half empty scenario (if someone isn't gonna pay for it again and again, no one is ever gonna see it!). Just a guess though. Somehow I doubt keeping it off the Net is morality based, and eventually if they find a revenue stream for it (like they believe dvd release or pay sites through iTunes or something would be profitable), they would do it. Maybe you can try to contact them and suggest that they put it up on a pay service.

Is that a long-winded enough answer for ya? Kinda convoluted but hope it made some sense.

From: guest , 120 months, post #65
As stated before canal 13 has a new cable channel REC TV that will rerun old shows and hopefully bring this series back into tv/youtube.

From: guest , 120 months, post #66
I don't see how it was controversial to have a man that was transformed into a woman wear a dress to a wedding. You can't find that episode on youtube. One of the few moments in which the Lalo character wears a dress or skirt. I actually think he never wore a skirt on the series. Only wore a dress maybe a handful of times. He did wear tight dress pants with revealing tops and heels.

From: guest , 120 months, post #67
I doubt any controversy from the church was involved in him not wearing "female clothes". I think it was just cause story wise it didn't make sense since this lalo never gave up on his manhood.

From: Holly Dunn , 120 months, post #68
Having his soul gradually change from man to woman was a problem for the Church. Also, if he thinks of himself as a man and likes men, there are homosexual implications. I don't think wearing female clothes was an objection. Bishops objected to the entire series, and the script changes were made as a compromise. Not sure why this was the line.

From: guest , 120 months, post #69
Diego kissed "lola" more than once, They were dreams sequences and it was always Diego initiating the kiss but still.

From: guest , 120 months, post #70
When Lalo was in the swimming pool in the tight black 1 piece swimsuit, was that a dream sequence or did he actually kiss Diego that time?

From: guest , 120 months, post #71
He really was in the pool in the bathing suit but he daydreamed kissing Diego.

From: guest , 120 months, post #72
If he was deeply in love with Grace then why daydream about kissing Diego?

From: guest , 120 months, post #73
That was before he allowed himself to admit he loved her. It was an early episode where he just changed and was confused about everything. He wondered if he should just accept the change and live as a woman.

From: guest , 120 months, post #74
He looked great in that swimsuit. Thought it was hilarious when Grace teased him about it and asked Diego to put sun tan lotion on his legs and Diego tried to put the lotion on his butt cheeks.

From: Holly Dunn , 120 months, post #75
I vaguely remember one day dream where the guy tried to kiss her, but then she woke up immediately upon that. What I remember was more like an anxiety nightmare than a daydream fantasy. Does anyone have links to short clips on these episodes? Or know the episode #s or other ways bot in violation of Metemorphose rules to find these clips? (Short clip links are allowed, I believe).

From: guest , 120 months, post #76
I think he actually like the daydream when he was in the pool in the tight black one piece swimsuit kissing Diego.

From: guest , 120 months, post #77
He didn't like it. In that scene he daydreams the kiss Grace notices lalo looking at Diego and thinking. Grace asks lalo, "Why do you keep looking over there, what are you thinking?" lalo says "Don't you think I should give up on ever getting my body back?" I've tried everything and i'm still in this body. lalo also says he doesn't want to be 70 years old and see how his life went by and passed him. Grace says what are you gonna do, Fall in love with Diego and have kids? That's impossible you don't like men and i'm gonna prove it. That's when Grace asks Diego to put sun tan lotion on lalo. lalo acts like he doesn't care but then freaks out because Diego is touching him.

From: Holly Dunn , 120 months, post #78
Guest #76, I think that was the Spanish version you are referring to:
Search Youtube for this "LaLola 1x039 Lola y Sergio quedan atrapados en un ascensor" at about 14:10. I would like to see the Chile version sequences again, if anyone knows where they are.

From: guest , 120 months, post #79
lola chile early episodes aren't online. I've looked and looked lol.

From: Holly Dunn , 120 months, post #80
I found a few at

search for Lola - Lalo & Grace - Eres and a clip will come up. Some other similar episodes come up as suggestions and you can search form there.

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