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bodyswap potion
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From: guest (Jennifer Adams) , 191 months, post #21
Gorg and anonymous Guest,

Are you sure that swapping bodies is impossible? Do you have evidence to support this? Just because you haven't witnessed such a thing does not mean it is impossible. It may be unlikely, yet still be possible. I tend to believe that anything is possible if you find a way to do it.

It's just like those who called Thomas Edison and Albert Einstein fools and insisted that what they proposed was impossible. Yet it turned out that they did know what they were talking about in the end.

Thirty years ago people were saying it was impossible for people to carry around a telephone in their pockets. Now we know different. I believe I have read that Henry Ford was called foolish for working on his silly horseless carriage since everyone knew that there was no way for something like that to work.

I apologize for ranting a bit, but while searching this topic, I have run across several of these kinds of posts. Many of them were leaving more derogatory remarks questioning the poster's intelligence or sanity.

I, for one, hope that at some point in the near future a way to trade bodies or transform into the opposite sex will be found. Despite narrow minded and shortsighted people who claim it is impossible.


From: guest (uri) , 191 months, post #22

30 years ago all the technological elements necessary to build a cellular telephone were already in place. Wireless telephony was already available, in the form of radio telephones, in the 1960s. What few people anticipated was that consumers would want to have pocket sized telephones, and that there would be sufficient profit in the enterprise to pay for the huge infrastructure of cell towers and satellite uplinks required to support a cellular network.

The idea of swapping personalities between bodies, on the other hand, depends upon a method for rearranging the structure (several billion synapses) and chemistry in a human brain to encode the same information, and process information in precisely he same way as some other brain.

The components for such a technology do not yet exist. There are some intriguing possibilities in the research into quantum correlation, as well as research into self-organizing systems of nano-particles, but there is nothing that even suggests that there is a way to get one brain to reconfigure itself so that it performs all the kinds of cognition we call by the collective term "mind" in exactly the same way as some other brain.

The fact that the potion is advertised on site that sells "magic wands" and "wish eggs" is reason to suspect that that it is intended either as a novelty, or as fraud. Particularly since the vendor of the "wish eggs" seems not to have thought to wish for a spell checker, or a competent HTML programmer.

As for Mr. Edison and Dr. Einstein -- it is an open question whether either of these men was ever called a "fool". I do submit, however, that they were exceptional, that they were not successful because they were considered foolish. Most things that appear foolish are, in fact, foolish.

For instance, the fact that Galileo was able to disprove the commonly held belief that heavy objects fell faster than lighter objects (absent the effects of air resistance), did not make it any less foolish to through oneself off a tall building.

From: guest (fasa) , 163 months, post #23
Someone know the body swap necklace?

From: guest (tehswitcher) , 163 months, post #24

I think your question (and probably others you are wondering about) can be answered by the post above yours. Most, if not all, of the items on that website seem counterfeit, with "proof" videos from two methods that don't seem to be sold on the website.

Additionally, the "red string" video is from a Red String television series of fiction in which the user supposedly uses a red string to swap bodies with someone else... and even if that was legitimate, I didn't see where I could buy that method of body swapping on the website, so we're all out of luck anywho.

From: robert333 , 163 months, post #25
I think what fasa may be asking is where the video that was posted with the woman changing her voice and talking about the swap was posted.

From: guest (guest) , 163 months, post #26
hey guys i am curious for this as you are and one way to know if this thing is true is to send some samples to us to know if its true if its true we can pay whatever they want just send those potions to try them on feel free we can afford them thank you

From: guest (Forestier) , 163 months, post #27
fasa wrote: �Someone know the body swap necklace?�

I'd rather use the Woman Trasfer and Antidote.
It seems to be a hoax (in French, I'd say an attrape-nigaud, a catcher of stupid people), and I do not think anyone will be willing to spend 375$ to know out.

From: guest (Forestier) , 163 months, post #28
Just noticed the Money Spell and the Extreme Wealth Spell are the same price. Winning lottery numbers are cheaper.

From: guest (Darkfox) , 158 months, post #29
I do believe body swaps are possible, if a theory I came up with is true. The larger region of your brain. The Cerebrum pretty much makes up what we believe is to be the "soul."
Frontal Lobe- associated with reasoning, planning, parts of speech, movement, emotions, and problem solving
Parietal Lobe- associated with movement, orientation, recognition, perception of stimuli
Occipital Lobe- associated with visual processing (how we see things)
Temporal Lobe- associated with perception and recognition of auditory stimuli, memory, and speech

In one theory I've come up with over the years, the brain isn't so much who we are completely, but that our true selves are energy at the core. This energy has it's own "consciousness" and is invisible. The Cerebrum's only job is to interpret what this energy is on a physical level (giving it a physical form) and form a bond between the body and "soul."

Assuming that this bond could be broken (or dislodged in a sense), one could attach a "soul" from one body to another, and the brains would rewrite themselves according to that energy, it's experiences, and it's perception.

The only problem? What kind of machine could read, pick up, or even transfer this special energy?

Any ideas, inbox me at ""

Oh, and on topic, the necklaces, rings, and potions are all fraudulant. Plus, I'm pretty sure whoever you'd switch bodies with (judging from the stories people tell) would be unsuspecting, and that is kind of wrong... funny, but wrong.

From: Guyote , 158 months, post #30
Why not just go the whole hog and believe in the soul outright?

From: guest (Sarah1) , 158 months, post #31
I wish this stuff was possible, i would love to be cheryl cole or lady gaga. who knows maybe someday.

From: guest (Kingster) , 158 months, post #32
I think the key to Darkfox's dilemma lies with the DNA. I agree that the brain is just a device used to connect the body and soul. The "key" is DNA. This is what allows the soul to link with a body. This is also why when people get organ transplants they take on the characteristics of the donors many times. Part of the soul of the donor goes with the DNA of the organ and thus brings with it part of the person who donated the organ.

What would need to happen is find a way to recalibrate the soul's link to the person's DNA with that of the new host body (and the same for the donating party). This way, once the souls swapped, the memories, personalities, etc, would transfer to the new host. I would agree that the science is not there yet and it doesn't seem like it is coming anytime soon as science is in no hurry to confirm the existence of the soul.


From: Guyote , 158 months, post #33
I would agree that the science is not there yet. I'd also say it's not here yet either.

From: guest , 158 months, post #34
"Plus, I'm pretty sure whoever you'd switch bodies with (judging from the stories people tell) would be unsuspecting, and that is kind of wrong... funny, but wrong."

If you consider someone being scared out of their mind because they're suddenly the wrong sex, staring at their own body before them, and have no idea what's going on at all... That doesn't sound funny to me. I think most people's real reaction to suddenly being body swapped would be sheer screaming terror. Look at what people did when they thought that War of the Worlds radio broadcast many years ago was real. Their world was suddenly turned upside down (because they thought there was a real alien invasion) and there were people so terrified they killed themselves. I could see a real, unexpected bodyswap having that as a possible result as well, so the only place that it's funny is in bodyswap movies & fiction, where it's pretty much never treated with the true horror someone could experience from that.

@Sarah1: Lady Gaga's so unusual that I somewhat wonder if she would actually consider giving people a try to be her for a day or a fake performance or something, for money, if it were possible. Not likely though. There might be some celebrities out there who are open minded or curious enough to give something like that a try, but I don't think it's likely. Though, lazy or "washed up" celebrities could let people be them for a short while, and earn money that way. It would be like one of those celebrity reality shows, where all you get are crappy celebrities almost no one cares about. If bodyswapping were really possible that's probably the most likely chance of a celebrity bodyswap happening, short of outright body stealing.

If we lived in a world where bodyswapping was possible AND considered normal, then you might see some real opportunities for swapping with hot people (for money). There would of course be a market for swapping, because even "normal" people would want to swap with hotter people of the same sex sometimes. Opposite sex swaps would possibly be treated more like prostitution. Or maybe swapping would just be "banned" in the first place. Who knows. Thinking about how things might truly be if bodyswaping were possible is interesting though.

From: Sara , 158 months, post #35
Thinking about body swapping, how would you prove that a body was actually yours? Seems like there would be a way to put a signature on your soul so that it could be put back in the right body, otherwise people would fight over bodies.

Another big issue on this, as always, is security. If someone could swap bodies, what would stop them from taking over someone, and using that to get sensitive information, or use a body to get close to someone for a kill?

That is what always stinks, if something was invented for a good purpose, some idiot always would find a way to abuse it.

Look at Nobel and his dynamite...

From: Guyote , 158 months, post #36
[quoteSeems like there would be a way to put a signature on your soul [/quote

There does? Surely the soul, if it exists, is immutable, and thus cant be signed or marked in any way.

Stands to reason though that if they could swap the "soul" or neural patterns of a brain with future technology that they would be able to record some aspect useful in identifying it in future. Like a dental record, but a mental record.

Pretty sure the potential for abuse would be astronomical. Nobody wants to die, but everybody gets old. If you extrapolated it out far enough eventually we'd be a race of immortal, immoral bodyhoppers constantly jumping into the younger generation.

From: Forestier , 152 months, post #37
Another site offering (less expensive, even less than the weight loss spell!) magical sex change:
Didn't try it.

And themagicvine may be a scam, but it does link to the real PayPal site.

From: guest (Johnathan L) , 152 months, post #38
  • buys 758696868786 potions*

Haha it's obviously not real but heh I've told some people that it'll be years and years and years until bodyswapping could be invented but even then it'd be messy, like Sara said 6 months ago, people would be fighting over bodies, claiming this person "stole" my body etc, haha a stalker fan could in theory get that body he or she stalks if they know their entire history.

But then again, I like to believe that something could happen, someone buy it

From: guest (MILO) , 141 months, post #39
In reply to guest guest (Darkfox),

Man the thing you said exactly about the brain acting as a bridge between the body and the soul was independently felt by me long ago...............i believe that our brain just acts as a processor (as in case of a computer) but it is unable to store data or memories instead it only manipulates our soul acts as hard disks or stores the things we see as impressions................and our body is just the output device...........!Now one can argue that then why do people have different range of memories if we have similar souls?!!!!!!!!!!!!!It is just because those brains who interpret images or sound clips better to our souls are said to have better memories!It is like taking a pic in both a 5 MP and a 40 mp camera and display it on the same monitor.............the latter will have more details naturally...........!And it is quite possible to make up for the body swap method which i believe is possible both theoretically and practically!I am from India the land of spiritual wonders and i wish to relate the same to science.What do you all say?

From: guest (MILO) , 141 months, post #40
In reply to guest (Kingster),

unfortunately you got it partly wrong was good up to what you people talked about the brain as connecting the body and soul(It's true) but the DNA signature and all those organ transplant stuff what you related to contribute to the binding of the soul with the body is partially correct!The DNA contributes only to the genetic makeup of the body and the thing about the soul and body connection is precisely like this-'When a baby is born in a woman's womb(even in the cellular stages) a soul that has left a previous body would enter at that stage and distribute its influence over it as long as it matures into a full body(a baby) acting as a distributed energy source for every individual organ or cell!..............

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