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Ramna 1/2 Ice Bucket Challenge
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From: RdDrfJames , 118 months, post #1
Hi All,

I did a Ramna 1/2 version of the ALS Ice bucket challenge. Let me know what you think.

Ramna 1/2 ALS Ice Bucket Challenge


PS. Identity Theft is in a film festival and will be screening tomorrow (Monday) at the Action on Film International Film festival in Monrovia at 5pm. In case anybody lives close and wants to come see it.

From: hskfmn , 118 months, post #2
HA! Nice!

From: sexualitylab , 118 months, post #3
Very clever! I thought this was going to be like a dubbed version of a scene in the actual anime showing Ranma getting a bucket of ice water thrown on him, but this was a better take on it! Man, I loved that show a lot. Nice job as always, James

From: guest (Brad) , 118 months, post #4
LOL Always impressed with your work James! very clever incorporating Ranma with the challenge.

From: guest , 118 months, post #5
Very good, make sure you all donate to Motor Nurone Disease research, we won't beat it if people don't keep donating.

Also it has benedict Cumberbatch amazing ice bucket challange video on its homepage, so please visit the site if only to watch him topless (he is so hot)

From: guest , 118 months, post #6
Or for my American friends

Or look for your local ALS or NMD charities here

All the best to anyone with ALS and to the families and friends of anyone with ALS (Or MND)

From: guest (Nixon) , 118 months, post #7
nice swap even had clothes staying the same too, now you just need to do a female to feamle like that head to toe perfecto :-)

From: guest , 118 months, post #8
Hi, I was wondering if Kim has been in any of your other shows? I don't recognise her,. Also will she be appearing in any future projects?

Thanks :)

From: cj , 118 months, post #9
Good job James!

From: guest (Luna) , 118 months, post #10
Message deleted by cj. Appears to be a personal attack... especially when read in full context.
From: guest , 118 months, post #11
@Luna I didn't notice that, probably because it is spelt correctly on YouTube.

I think you being pretty harsh, especially as much of the stuff James produces is free, it would be terrible if he stopped producing free videos on YouTube or worse stopped producing at all, so I would ask you to keep your civil.

I am a fan of Ranma but am forever spelling it wrong, the same is true for Naruto and many of the anime charecters I enjoy, spelling really isn't the be all and end all in life.

From: guest , 118 months, post #12
I thought that James was slightly dyslexic anyway, not rare for people in the visual arts.

From: guest (bart) , 118 months, post #13
Message deleted by cj. There's a comment in there that can be taken as a personal attack. "Please delete Luna's comment. Unnecessary and's Ranma on the actual youtube video... [snip] he just did us all a favor, who cares? Thank you, James."
From: guest , 118 months, post #14
Honestly, who cares if James "is only in it for the money"? I've seen enough to believe otherwise but does it really matter? He produces quality material.

From: cj , 118 months, post #15
Just a reminder for everyone...

From the Posting Guidelines

  • Do not attack a user for improper spelling and/or grammar.
  • Please keep the conversations civil. Do not 'attack' other posters.
  • You may attack an individual's comments but not the individual.
  • Be polite, courteous, and respectful.

From: cj , 118 months, post #16
"I thought that James was slightly dyslexic anyway..."

I always figured he was something like... Three Degrees Off Center. :-P

From: cj , 118 months, post #17
Before anyone calls me on my post removals in this thread.

A. Although I do enjoy most of James' work... I would just as quickly remove James' posts for infractions, so there is NO favoritism being shown (sorry James).
B. I couldn't pick anything out of post # 10 to save and still follow the Posting Guidelines.
C. Post # 13 still includes the "attack" on Post # 10's COMMENTS... but I snipped out what could be viewed as a personal attack on Luna.

From: RdDrfJames , 118 months, post #18
HI All,

hskfmn: Thanks! I've been a fan of Ranma's for over 20 years now. As I've mentioned in the past, my Cat's name is Shampoo, obviously from the show! :)

seualitylab: Thanks! Yeah, I'm a total fan of the show, rewatching it on Hulu now, which really takes me back.

Brad: Thanks! I wish I could take credit for coming up with the idea, it was actually left as a suggestion on one of my other videos. I always read all my comments and try to do videos when I can, usually the suggestions are to complicated for me to do, but in this case I LOVED the idea and was all over it! I original was trying to find two Ranma Cosplayers, but didn't have any luck with that, so just ended up doing it myself. :)

guest #5: I love that the ice bucket challenge is raising awareness for charity donations! Which could include anything! I think it's great when other people are doing the challenge and talking about donating to other charities too. They all can use some help.

Nixon: Thank you, I had you in mind when I made sure we were wearing the same thing AND I am talking with a couple people who may want to do a female to female swap, but I can't make any promises. We'll see! :)

guest #8: This is the first video I've done with Kim. I was looking for someone to do the video with and she was actually already a fan of Ranma, so she worked out perfectly. It's possible we'll be working together more in the future. If you want to see more Ranma videos, let me know and maybe leave a comment on the video. :)

cj: Thanks! :)

guest #11: Thanks! Yeah, I've talked in another of my videos about my dyslexia, which is always sneaking up an rearing it's ugly head. I've have the worst time with spelling, especially when I am tired or first waking up. Yeah, I stayed up really late getting the video done and then I posted this thread on Meta when I first woke up and didn't even realized I spelled it wrong. My brain is broken in that way and try as I might I'll never be able to fix that, I just have to cope with it as best I can. I do try.

guest#12: Yeah, I love visual arts, but whenever I do credits I HAVE TO find someone else to do the proof reading as I am ALWAYS spelling something wrong. I remember as a kid, THERE, THEIR and THEY'RE always gave me trouble and to this day I still sometimes use the wrong one, but on the plus side I use to always write my 3 backwards, but I've learned write those correctly.

cj: thanks for watching the board. It's a thankless job I'm sure.

And thanks for the comments!


From: guest (Roi) , 118 months, post #19
Thanks James, good video. When is another one with Laura coming?

From: guest (Guest 8) , 118 months, post #20
Yeah a follow up video or two would be good :)

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