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How would you react to seeing the woman as you with another man?
From: guest , 121 months, post #1
I'm not necessarily talking about in bed. I am saying that if you swapped with a woman you know or some random woman and somehow met up with her in your male body and saw her being affectionate toward a man. How would you react? Would you be angry, embarrassed, violated, or not really care? I think men would care more about seeing women in their former male bodies with males than vice versa. Do you think the woman in your male body would care that much about your feelings toward a situation like that?

From: cj , 121 months, post #2
Depends on many factors. Who the woman is, who the man is, is the swap permanent,... well, okay three factors.

If she is someone I know and trust, I'd grant her a bit more leeway.
If he is someone I know and trust, I'd grant her a bit more leeway - especially if he knew that we were swapped... in which case, I'd be more worried about him hitting on me.
If the swap is permanent, I'd be less concerned as it was now her life... but if it was only temporary, then I'd be more concerned about the consequences of her actions on my future.

If the swap was permanent, I'd try to put it out of my mind and move on... if I had a problem with that, I'd probably put some distance between us so that I could use time as a buffer.

If the swap was temporary, I'd gently encourage her to remember that she's playing with MY life at the moment... perhaps giving her pause if needed.

Of course... if it was only temporary, and she forced it on me, and she controlled the swap, and either I didn't know her or she was fairly evil... I'd probably cry. Or try to figure out a way to beat her at her own game... or both.

From: guest , 121 months, post #3
This might be a too personal question but would you willingly go back to your male body if you knew that the woman that was in your body had sex with another man while in your male body? Would you want to go back knowing that your male body had been violated without your permission? Would you be mad if she had sex with a woman in your male body? The laws of ownership really come into effect when it comes to body swaps. I mean is your former body still yours? Or is it only yours when you are in it?

From: cj , 121 months, post #4
Maybe. So many things to consider. Does my family / do my friends know? Is she healthier and younger than I? How much "damage" has been done? How much am I going to lose / gain either way?

Yeah, I'd probably be mad... or at least disappointed.

"The laws of ownership really come into effect when it comes to body swaps. I mean is your former body still yours? Or is it only yours when you are in it?"

Ah. Depends on the terms of the swap. If the swap is temporary, it's more like you're renting, not the owner of the body that you're "borrowing". ie. it's NOT yours -- if you "damage" it, there will be consequences... including possible forfeiture of your own body. If the swap is permanent... or forced on you, then the new body is as much yours as your own body was. My opinion on the matter, anyhow.

From: guest , 121 months, post #5
If the swap is permanent, you are her and her body is completely yours to be used at your will. But if it's temporay...yes, I would feel very bad.

From: guest , 121 months, post #6
I just wonder would you be mad at the woman in your male body be grabby with you while you are in her female body? Like if she grabbed your breasts or slapped your butt while you were in her body. Would you be offended.

Your friends and family do not know. Not really any damage has been done. The swap is temporary maybe a month or a year tops. During that time, if you were swapped with a woman, would you consider the woman's body your own? I just wonder how the woman would feel about knowing that a man would have 24/7 access to her breasts and vagina.

From: guest (Also Interested) , 121 months, post #7
Even if it was temporary, would you guys be exploring your female body while in her body? Would it be with another man or a woman? Have you considered how she would view what you did and with whom?

From: guest , 121 months, post #8
Think you would have full access to the vagina and breasts of a woman who probably would never allow you to see her naked. So, it's a total loss of the privacy. Even worse, you could have sex with another man or woman, which could be insulting for that person, specially if you get accidentally pregnant.

From: Forestier , 121 months, post #9
I totally agree with what cj wrote.

From: guest (Gypsy) , 121 months, post #10
Two things are a factor here- time and.... well, Time

Are we talking minutes, hours, or days after the swap that this woman is doing the nasty with some guy in my body, because that could bring down a whole can of whop ass in the form of a bat and a head- maybe two heads if the other guy knew what was happening.

Now if the change was permanent that changes things, I would freak, but there would be no can of nothing, and no bat, just a whole lot of depression and feeling terrible on my part.

If it was a temporary switch, but a long time from the return, I would probably be really upset and maybe even get that can and that bat. But again, it depends on the time and... well, time.

Its my body and I do not want anything being done to it that.... ya, not interested, never have been in being close to a guy, so I might be a little wigged about my body going that way.

And yes, I understand that this forum might be a bad place to stay that, but this is me, not you. I have no problem with men and men or women and women getting together, just do not include me in one of those.

From: guest , 121 months, post #11
Are straight males hypocrites if they say they don't want to have females in their male bodies doing anything with other males while at the same time considering sleeping with a man or doing stuff with a man as a woman?

From: cj , 121 months, post #12
"Are straight males hypocrites..."

Not necessarily, they could simply be "possessive" or protective of what they may still perceive to be "their" body.

"... while at the same time considering sleeping with a man or doing stuff with a man as a woman?"

Perhaps. But then we get into the whole debate on whether sexual preferences remained with the body or the mind / soul that is currently in possession of the body. If a hetero male finds himself in the body of a hetero female and the preference is primary to the body, he'll find himself fancying guys. Just how much so, would be a product of how strong his own preferences are in relation to those of the body. Now if the mind / soul is the deciding factor, then he's likely to either be curious or perhaps become lesbian (still preferring women)... in which case, I guess he would be a hypocrite.

Hmmm... on second-though. He's either a man making out with a man (albeit while in a woman's body)... or he's a (man in the body of a) woman making out with a woman. We'd have to come up with a new term, I guess. :-)

From: guest , 121 months, post #13
I could see how women would say there is a double standard.

I guess we will never know until we are in that experience. Until that happens, we just don't know which team we would play for.

Would you feel violated or creeped out if you fell in love somehow with the woman that was in your male body while you are in her female body? Sex would probably be highly awkward and uncomfortable.

From: guest (Jayzie) , 121 months, post #14
I always wondered if you'd swap crushes with her. Like she secretly admired someone, and you secretly admired someone, but you didn't realize it until you swapped bodies and noticed that every time a certain guy came by you your mind goes to mush and your heart races out of control.

Then you'd feel embarrassed because you think "I'm not gay! I can't like him! What's wrong with me?"

I think you'd still find your own body attractive, due to years of mental hardwiring, but your new hormones would definitely affect physical responses to the body's preferred object of desire.

From: guest , 121 months, post #15
Jayzie, are you talking about being attracted to your new female body or your original male body? That's what happened in Louislouise.

I just think it would be interesting to meet the woman in your former male body in some type of funny situation. Maybe you would catch her holding hands or kissing a man in public or maybe she would catch you perhaps at a gas station with you in a costume while you are on your way to a sci-fi convention. I wonder if she would be okay with you being in a sexy costume probably a leotard and boots in her female body. Would she approve? Would she give you a little squeeze or tap on your female booty?

From: guest (pantyhose) , 121 months, post #16
I would be so turned ON by the idea of someone in my old body doing something that I would find """disgusting""" (nothing against gays, of course, it's just "disgusting"to me imagine ME with another man)

From: guest , 121 months, post #17
What if the woman in your male body got turned on by you doing something disgusting or something she didn't like in her female body?
And if you are in a female body, would being with a man be disgusting or can you only answer that once you are in that situation?

From: guest (Jayzie) , 121 months, post #18
I meant you'd find your new body attractive, but that's still interesting.

From: guest , 121 months, post #19
I think it would be funny to confront the woman in your male body that is with another man while wearing a sexy dress and heels or some type of cosplay outfit. I wonder what her reaction would be? Sorry but cosplay is hot.

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