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Category: 'Webcomic'
Odd Squad
Wizard changes Ninja into a girl
Animal, Gender
Wandering Traveler with his servant girl come across a magical fountain and experience a surprise. Courtesy of
Oh nein! Ich bin ein Mädchen!
This is a webcomic in which the artist tries to depict the consequences of someone like him (22 year old graphics design student called Jan) becoming female over night. As he tries to be realistic, this is no comedy or action loaded story. There is no magic or science fiction apart from the char ...more
One Girl Guy Army
A young unemployed college student, is captured and sent to an unknown continent that is hidden in the skies beyond earths surface. Upon arrival, he is transformed into girl by a psychotic woman claiming to be a God. Found and taken care of by Amelia Airhearts son Icarus Airheart, he/she needs to ...more
Opposite Again
Set a year after the end of Opposite Sex. Michael Chanders is having problems caused by the last blast from the professors machine. A routine medial test starts the transformation process once again.
The Opposite Sex
Michael Chandler is an 11th grade, introverted chemistry whiz kid who has made education his personal pastime. A former little league all-american, Michael volunteers no explanation for his sudden abandonment of the sport he excelled at so well. In the four years since his decision, he has disappear ...more
The Order of the Stick
A Webcomic based on D&D. Roy, the leader of the party, puts on a girdle of gender change to disguise himself. Change lasts about 15 strips.
Gender, Furry
"A story of inconvenient changes". Imagine having your gender changed, pretty inconvenient right? Now imagine having your species changed at the same time, becoming a small, vulnerable bird-rat type thing. This is Kassen's life. Not only does he have to cope with a new diet, cravings and urge ...more
Manga webcomic/graphic novel about four teens who can transform in four cats--a lion, a tiger, a leopard, and a jaguar--and use powerful elemental abilities.
Peter is the Wolf
Teen sex comedy in which most of the major characters are werewolves. The series follows the story of an 18-year-old werewolf, Peter Stubbe, who unintentionally infects his human girlfriend with lycanthropy, then has to help her adjust to life as a were. The series has two branches, a 'General A ...more
Phantasmic Tales
Has a short story arc were the resident witch changes the two main characters into girls.
Point Guardian
An alien machine called The Suppressor, which is originally masculine in form, appears to battle the hero, Ultra. When Ultra fails to defeat it in battle, his friend Clarrisa uses a piece of alien technology to overwrite its programming with her own personality. The Suppressor then takes on a disti ...more
Ulysses Mauser is just another one of the superpowered students at Wendigo High. A shapeshifter, Ulee had been using his powers to be a "playa": to attract, date, and dump various girls. One day, the comic's main character, Eddie Essex, asks Ulee's help to track someone down: one of their friends w ...more
Punks and Nerds
A slice of life type webcomic with the standard gaming satire, pop culture references, and whatnot. Not too bad artwork either. In the eleventh strip of the comic, Jade's friend, Sarah is introduced (Evening out the guy-girl ratio) to the strip. One of the two guys actually calls for some "Deus E ...more
Real Life - October 25, 2002 comic
Greg and Tony travel to an alternate universe where the only difference is the gender of the main characters.
Realm of Monsters
This is my webcomic, but one of the villains in the peace is killed and posses the body of a young woman in order to survive. The TG element will be on going as the villain is reoccurring. There is also possession later in the comic that will include some TG.
The Reign of Cruella
Evil sorceror transforms himself into the princess, and then transforms the princess into himself. Later s/he changes what seems to be a paige boy into a girl. Also has an animal transformation.
A group of people transform themselves into demonic creatures out of myth and legend to wage a civil war.
Rooster Teeth Webcomic
The machnima Red vs Blue's website has had a webcomic (staring the Rooster Teeth staff) going for a while. In the latest comic (dated 25/11/06) it breaks the fourth wall as Luke (the artist) is asked to make Matt first Asian, and then female.
A webcomic about former Fan Fiction characters loosing there jobs as Net Fiction Characters. One of the characters, Bay Smith was changed into a girl for the fan fiction series and wasn't changed back before the net fiction studio moved. has started a TG comic series that you need ...more
Schlock Mercenary, Book 13: Random Access Memorabilia
One of the new plot lines deals with the efforts of "The Gavs" (950 million duplicates of the same man created at a much earlier point in the story) to differentiate themselves from one another. The leader of the differentiation project is a Gav who has undergone a sex change, along with various me ...more
Senshi Cycles
Set place in a vast VR world in beta testing stages,this comic centers around Yasuragi Morisato, a somewhat chauvanistic guy who early on in the plot finds a magical pendant. The pendant transforms him into Senshi Red, a magical girl type character. In addition to this male to female transformati ...more
She is Me (Oh no! I'm a girl!)
This is a webcomic in which the artist tries to depict the consequences of someone like him (22 year old graphics design student called Jan) becoming female over night. As he tries to be realistic, this is no comedy or action loaded story. There is no magic or science fiction apart from the char ...more
Shifter (webcomic)
Animal, Inanimate, Male, Mechanical, Gender
When Danny Philmore saves an old woman from being run down in the street, she gives him a magic potion which allows him to turn into basically anything that exists. (He can't turn into Santa Claus, for example, but he can become a mall Santa.) He started out trying to use his abilities to save pe ...more
Sidekick Girl
Val is a sidekick assigned to work with Metro City super-heroine Illumina (think Paris Hilton but with super powers). Despite being 'just a sidekick', Val is smarter, tougher, and does most of the work. In one storyline, entitled 'Body Switch', Val and illumina are hit with a villain's malfuncti ...more
Gender, Mythical, Age, Inanimate
The Sins comics revolve around people that host the shades of the Seven Deadly Sins (Lust, Greed, Envy, Pride, Sloth, Anger, and Gluttony). The Sins are capable of possessing their masters and this usually causes a transformation. The Sins themselves also morph between several forms themselves. ...more
Slightly Damned
Sluggy Freelance issue Spitting Image
By giving her a cursed necklace for Christmas, Torg accidentally turns Zoe into a camel...even three years later, she still occasionally is returned to this form.
Sluggy Freelance issue Torg Potter and the Chamberpot of Secretions
In a parody of Harry Potter, three people make wishes from a genie, which he interprets to mean "turn me into chocolate." "Could make me some chocolate," "make me irresistable to women," and a third one that I won't give away.
Sluggy Freelance net fiction Unknown
Torg and Zoe just got their bodies back after being switched for a week. But they don't remember any of it. This kicks off a guest artist week featuring Phil Foglio.
A 4-panel comic strip parody of the recent Ultimate Spider-man storyline where Ultimate Spider-woman is in fact revealed to be a female clone of Peter Parker, retaining all of his memories. No actual TF shown, only inferred.
A grad student who accidentally turns herself into a six-armed superhero. There is also a drider transformation.
It's fiction based on Sailor moon, with the creation of a new scout, Sailor Sun. Whom happens to be a boy, who uses his powers to become a Sailor scout, and is transformed into a girl. He permently remains a girl, even after de-transforming.
Super Magical Transformer Patty
A reasonably well-drawn webcomic about a magical girl who, for some reason, just goes around trapping people in (mostly gender-oriented) transformation spells. Great find, for those so inclined.
The Tale of Sir Dennis
The adventure of Sir Dennis.
Tales from Wolomi Heights
No TG yet but it is promised.
TF complications
Series of TF sequences in form of webcomics, updated monthly (1 sequence per month)
The Continentals
1889. In the wake of the mysterious Jack the Ripper's murderous rampage and equally mysterious disappearence, the city of Mansfordshire, England is caught in the chilling grip of a series of brutal "mangling" murders that has shaken the city to it's core. Investigating the case, Continental Operati ...more
The Dragon Doctors
Mythical, Gender
Webcomic about four magical doctors in a fantasy setting. Their first case is dealing with a cursed valley that turns everyone into women, and at the end of it, all four of them have been permanently transformed (the female doctor is turned into a man, as well). They are continuing to deal with the ...more
The Key to Her Heart
Julian likes Nadia, but she could care less about him, because, unknown to her friends, she's a closeted lesbian. However, Julian has his own secret which will change their relationship. (Spoiler Text) NOTE: The Key to Her Heart is on the adult webcomic site Slipshine, and a paid subscripti ...more
The Planet Closest to Heaven
Male, Mythical, Furry
Macho 19 year old man gets turned into a cat-dog by his partner for abusing his powers. Becomes the pet of a brother and sister with strange abilities. (Spoiler Text)
Triquetra Cats
Troop 37
Age, Gender
This is the story of twelve year old boy named Jimmy who was transformed into a sixteen year old girl also named Jimmy. Troop 37 is an experiment is collaborative storytelling. Each page is written and drawn by a different artist and anyone can submit a page provided that it is PG in content a ...more
Turbo Track
Spanish language comic. One of the boys changes into antro dog by virtual reality.
Twilight of a Sorceress
A boy named Kenji buys a cursed dress to use as a costume in a play. When he's forced to fill the role, he releases the spirit of a chaos sorceress and becomes her physical double.