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finally! an update to the story Body Switched!
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From: guest , 104 months, post #101
Isn't that like saying if I wrote a simple sentence

"This guy named Jeff..." The End

that it shouldn't be continued because it might disappoint you? People are always welcome to use their imagination but I think it's a silly reason not to continue something good because one or two sour apples might not like what is written. I want to know more about Jennifer and Jason, I want to read about Jason's first time when he is an adult, and when Jennifer first finds out she is pregnant, or anything really, I just want to read more about them, than simply wonder.

From: guest , 104 months, post #102
Guess J.K. Rolling should have stopped after the Sorcerer's Stones according to CJ's logic because some fans might not have liked books 2-7. I want to see the story complete and know the rest of Jason and Jennifer's lives not just wonder. It's stupid to not want a story continued because you might not get your way in how it is written.

From: guest (Brad) , 104 months, post #103
I've kept quiet on this subject for a very long time but this is just silly. That's not what CJ is saying at all and the Harry Potter analogy doesn't work since it was planned to be 7 books. Body Switched was not.

Yes, lots of people want it to be continued but no one seems to care what the authors want. Caleb and Eric have both made it clear that the story is done. They have no more story to tell but people can't seem to let that go. You guys are trying to force them to write something when they don't have anything to say. That's not easy or fun for the author. Trust me, I know.

To use your JK Rowling example, it's like if you went on Rowling's message board and kept begging her and begging her to make Harry Potter 8 and she kept telling you "it's done. It's over" but you kept begging her anyway "Because I want more."

Personally Im perfectly happy with where it's at and I can say that because I was one of the original authors :) lol Eric and Caleb took my story that I didn't care to finish and turned it into something magical! Something I could have never done and I loved the finished product. If they want to continue, GREAT! More power to them. But if not, don't try to force them to do something they say is complete.

From: cj , 104 months, post #104
After so many voice their opinions on the matter, and some who are nearly demanding a continuation of the story... I voice my opinion and offer a counter-view for consideration, and it gets taken as... IDK. Sheesh!

"Oh stop discouraging them CJ"

I'm not. I'm showing support... simply letting them know that I'm okay with their current decision to leave the story as is.

"Isn't that like saying if I wrote a simple sentence
"This guy named Jeff..." The End
that it shouldn't be continued because it might disappoint you?"

Nope. You're focusing on opinion (mine or yours or anyone else's) being the one thing that determines an author's decision to continue a story or not. It may be A consideration, but likely not THE deciding factor.

If you argue your statement in opposition, wouldn't all those who want to see the story continue (or in a specific manner or with specific details) mean that that the author(s) should absolutely take the story in that direction even if they can not write a quality story by doing so?

The argument falls flat in either case.

"Guess J.K. Rolling should have stopped after the Sorcerer's Stones according to CJ's logic because some fans might not have liked books 2-7."

What logic? Are you reading my opinion based on observation (post # 99), as some sort of guiding principal on writing? I didn't say (or demand) that they continue the story or not - I simply tried to remind everyone that they may not get the story that they're hoping for, should Caleb and Eric decide to continue the story. And that, sometimes, the best thing to do is to not mess with a good thing.

Please don't think that I don't get you folks, I do. I would love to see the story continued too. But we can't always get what we want.

From: cj , 104 months, post #105
Thanks, Brad, for understanding my post... and your input.

From: guest , 104 months, post #106
Lol, I love ya CJ but you do have a tendency to get very defensive rather quickly ;)

Also Brad, I think the difference is that the author's have said different things at different times, at one point they said if enough support was out there there would be another book, it's at the very end of the story, haha.

"The end!
... of Book 2
(But what of Helen, Brad, and Horace and Gladys, you ask?
What happened to them? Did they get switched back?
Ah, that's another story isn't it?
If we get a few dozen reviews demanding it, there might just be another part to this epic saga someday--- "Book 3 - The BodySwitched Strike Back!")
But only if we get enough reviews... You know what to do!
The fine print...
All copyrights remain with the authors. All rights are reserved.
No unauthorized filing of the story at pay sites or sites which charge money to read stories will be allowed."

So to claim they have always held the position that there is no more to write is wrong, they have at times swayed back and forth about writing another one, you make it seem like they've always said THE END, when that's not the case, so please don't get angry at those of us who want to take them up on the offer they made in the ending of the last chapter written. So I take issue with your calling us silly for wanting what at one point was offered.

also J.K. rowling is writing a book 8 because of fan support lol.

From: cj , 104 months, post #107
"... you do have a tendency to get very defensive rather quickly..."

LOL - I knew that was coming. :-)

I actually re-edited my post a half-dozen times. Just couldn't get past that sounding defensive. ~shrug~ Something told me to click Cancel and come back later - perhaps I'll give that a try next time. It's hard to break bad habits.

Thanks guest.

From: guest (Brad) , 104 months, post #108
lol you're judging CJ for getting defensive when you post three straight posts in a row egging him on? Hilarious. Don't get upset when you incessantly prod someone and then they get peeved. You were trying to get a rise out of him.

As for the author's interest in continuing the story? Let me direct you to one of Eric's last posts on the subject. Post #62 in regards to writing a part 3 where he says:
"Thank you for that compliment. I can't answer for Caleb but it would take more money than anyone was willing to pay for me to do it. I would do it for $ 500 dollars in advance."

All of Eric's posts after that shut down the idea of continuing. If you don't believe me, go back and look. It's two pages over.

Though I can see this is literally never going to end so I'm not sure why I even spoke up. lol Good luck to you and your campaign to get the story continued!

From: guest (caleb Jones) , 104 months, post #109
Thanks CJ for your comments. I think Eric and I have done what we wanted to do with the story. Our epilogue was to say thanks for the many fans. JK probably could turn out dozens more Potter books but she knew when the story was over.

Eric and I also know the story is over. More than a decade has passed and we see now what we did not then. We hit the notes we wanted to hit. The story was written over many months, and with some threads left loose I thought there might be more to tell back then. I didn't see the potential of the ending back then.

Rereading it years later I see the ending was there but told out of order, as it was written in several pieces and bounced back and forth between us. Sometimes a story unfolds in unexpected ways especially when you are making some of it up as you go along. The ending snuck in on us and especially me as editor without informing the authors of its true nature :)

Should I ever get around to a rewrite, I will fix the ending by putting it in it's proper place. Don't wait up for a rewrite though. Do not ask. It is on my mental to do list but way in the back. It took ten+ yrs to get the epilogue!

Brad, you deserve more praise than I can give for your original story. Thanks for the inspiration then, and your comments now!

From: guest (Brad) , 104 months, post #110
Thank you for the update Caleb. Hopefully now people will understand where you're coming from. And thank you for the kind words. I never in a MILLION years thought the story would blow up into what it became. major kudos to you guys :)

From: guest , 104 months, post #111
Well would you be willing to pick up where Eric and Caleb left off Brad?

Btw Caleb I love that name Caleb, if I have a son I want to name one Caleb and the other Ezra.

From: guest (Brad) , 104 months, post #112
I'd have to take a pass on that one lol I'm with the authors on this and think the story is fine where it is.

From: guest , 104 months, post #113
You know a possible solution to this that might make everyone happy is if and when Caleb Jonesy or Eric edits the story if they just added in more details about Jason and Jennifer and their swap experience rather than writing a whole new chapter. How does that sound?

From: cj , 104 months, post #114
"How does that sound?"

Like a lot of work... for both the authors to edit and add the material, or re-write it.... and for the rest of us, to have to reread the story again. :-)

From: guest , 104 months, post #115
Are you kidding me, I've read this story well over 50 times, and I'd happily re-read it again with new additions. You talk as if re-reading it is bad. This is the single best body swap story ever written bar none.

From: guest , 104 months, post #116
Doesn't the new Jennifer ever miss her old penis that no longer belongs to her or doesn't the new Jason ever miss his old vagina?

Also I think if an edit is done more apt descriptions of what Jason and Jennifer look like should be included.

From: guest , 104 months, post #117
I never understood why the new Jennifer and the new Jason thought back on their old bodies so negatively. I mean that was the body they were born in. How can Jenny think of her former self as crude or clumsy, and Jason think of his former self as week kneed?

And one last question does the new Jason or the new Jennifer not like something that the previous owner did while in their old bodies, something they look upon negatively? Like maybe the new Jenny doesn't like something the old Jenny did like got an ear piercing or something like that.

From: guest , 104 months, post #118
Can you lock this? I keep thinking there is new information relevant to the OP, but it's just endless arguing.

From: guest (Dontbeabuzzkill) , 104 months, post #119
There have been no rule violations, and it hasn't gotten hostile, and there is still discussion and question going on. Don't ruing it for everyone else anon. Please mods I beg of you to ignore this person's request. Also if this is locked a new thread would just be made anyway.

Simple solution, don't click on this thread because the authors have stated the story is done except for a possible edit sometime in the future, allow those who want to discuss the story to continue to do so.

From: guest (Dontbeabuzzkill) , 104 months, post #120
Also it might be wise for the mods to delete that post 118's comment as it could derail this thread off topic into debating whether or not to oblige him. I'd like to see this continue to be about Body Switched.

On a different note, Brad have you worked on any other stories beside body switched? I know you did captions there for a while but what about full blown stories?

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