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From: guest (Steamrolled) , 77 months, post #1
Main page loads fine. Search loads fine. But as soon as you click and try to enter an actual story it's 100% "muh servers" screen lockout. Been checking for the last 3 hours and not once have I been able to read a single chapter of anything. Wtf

From: guest , 77 months, post #2
It's very inconsistent, and completely obvious it's artificial. The servers aren't full, they're doing this just so a few of the writers/readers will get fed up and pay for their ridiculous premium membership. It's not even subtle at this point, just sad.

From: guest (jessietg) , 77 months, post #3
yeah, I pretty much ignore anything from since it's all inaccesible now

From: guest (Brayn) , 77 months, post #4
It does the "mah servers" crap every 3rd page I've found whether it's actually overloaded or not.

go to fictionbranches or the beaddventure instead, they'll be your best refuges from this mess.

From: guest (Lonedynasty) , 77 months, post #5
Yeah has really messed up interactives for years now ever since they only allow people with payed membership to create interactive stories. They clearly hate the adult theme stories that are being hosted there and are also some of the most money hungry sites out there. THEY TAKE AWAY really simple features and now this! The pay wall is nearing my breaking point. I as a long time user of the site might move all my interactives to Its a billion times more friendly then and there are no pay walls. What do you guys think?

From: Weirdoid , 76 months, post #6
The inability to read stories because the servers are full annoys me. It used to be certain times of the day I could get in, or by keep refreshing the browser page I could, but not anymore. A pity as it is one of the few places where tg hypnosis without physical changes, life swap, and role swap stories can be found.

From: Nptox18 , 76 months, post #7
i haven't had the best experience with the site, but i remember a lot of years ago when i first saw the mention of it here in this site i created a free account...

Since then, till today, i have NEVER spent money on the site, but on 2 ocasions have received a basic 1 year subscription...don't know why or who sent me but i don't care...

Just when i fel like reading some interactives i log in to my free account without subscription and the site seems to load normal to me...

The trick i do ist to open the different pathways in multiple tabs instead of overlaping the pathway on the same one...

i don't mean that the site doesn't need updates, or a complete revamp, cuz it could for the better and it really should have, but for now thats what we have...

Best regards...

From: guest , 76 months, post #8
Seems the admins over there don't like it when you question their math regarding pricing of the memberships, They deleted my account, along with my stories and 6-figure gift points.

From: guest , 76 months, post #9
Yea, Storymaster does not live in the realm of common sense. They prices are insane compared to the amount required to actually host.

From: guest , 76 months, post #10
One other thing I noticed, features that have been on the site now for over a decade are also paywalled. No seeing paths for stories, no mouse overs for quick descriptions.
It's clearly him trying to drive people away from using interactive stories, so he can close that part of the site and "Be more respectable". W.C has always been uncomfortable being used for NSFW style stuff. The admins are very mum + pop style admins.

From: guest (IWishIwasALittleGirl) , 76 months, post #11
I think I found an workaround. If you disable cookies, the site is unable to detect that you just accessed it.

From: guest (Dogmann) , 76 months, post #12
Between this and beaddventure going full paywall I have lost any will to add any more to stories or post the archives of the ones i have. I wonder if fictionbranches new admins might be willing to host.

From: guest (Cain) , 76 months, post #13
It's fine, the site was never the same once SandySeeker took all her stories down anyway.

From: guest (Steamrolled) , 76 months, post #14
Does no one on here have the coding or html knowhow to create a decent tg site for forums and texts with story tree branch capabilities? Seems like theres an audience for it.

From: guest (mumbalo) , 76 months, post #15
sadly nobody uses it :(

From: guest (Brayn) , 76 months, post #16 has it. Been back online for a month.

I know it sounds like i'm just plugging the site, but between it and the BEA Addventure, they're my two favourite high quality interactive sites.

And steamrolled, if you're the same one who wrote crazy girlfriend with remote, I think you'd enjoy the largest FB3 story, it's pretty much nothing but that :)

From: guest (mumbalo) , 76 months, post #17
@Brayn link? :O

From: Lazy , 76 months, post #18
What are you talking about? there's a lot of decent tg stuff of CHYOA? I use it now and found more quality stuff than writing . com

From: guest (Brayn) , 76 months, post #19
@mumbalo, I did say "" :)

From: guest (Luv_To_Switch_Bods) , 76 months, post #20
To be honest, I don't mind paying for the basic membership.
It's not like they charge you monthly.

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